Day #165: Choose Richness

Life is full of choices, which can dictate the fullness and richness of your life. Do you choose where to go or do you let someone else decide for you?

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go… – Dr Seuss

Take that first step. Whatever you do, don’t stand still. Dr. Seuss warns us about a universal law called inertia. This means that things keep doing what they’re doing. So, if you’re standing still, you’re likely to stay still. But if you’re moving forward, you’re more likely to keep moving forward. Keep moving towards fulfillment. Richness isn’t money more so your happiness. We can be rich, yet have nothing. 

You’re off to great places! Today is your today. Your mountain is waiting, so you get on your way!

So, what are you waiting for? Get on your way!

Some people base life on the accumulation of wealth, but there is always something better than a rich man’s treasure chest,  a man’s rich life.

Below is a quick link to The A to Z Guide to a Rich Life, which will advise you and encourage you to own and to learn to live richly.

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #164: Fresh Beginnings

I shouldn’t need to state the obvious, but I will anyway! Today is a fresh start, a new beginning in itself. You have a chance to do, be and take action with whatever you want. But you have to make the choice to do whatever it is you want to do.

With this all in mind, I want to not only remind you that today is a fresh start for a new day, but it can be a fresh start for something more if you want it to be. You can change your life, you can do whatever you want really. But most of all, I want to touch on the opportunity.

Every day is a new day of opportunity, some days you will have more to choose from, but the when it comes to deciding what to do, here are some points to consider, while at the same time, they may even help make opportunities. Regardless, have a think about them and see where they fit in your life.

“Anyone who has ever made anything of importance was disciplined.” — Andrew Hendrixson

  1. Don’t waste your time worrying about what other people think of you.
  2. If you don’t know your passion, follow your heart instead.
  3. Cultivate a hobby.
  4. Let go of friendships that are not working, and focus on the ones that are.
  5. Trust yourself more.
  6. Take care of your body.

Take these 6 points, think about them, detail them and identify how you can apply these into the next day, week, or even season of your life.

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” — Author Unknown

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #163: Jump & Awake

It’s Friday and most people will be ready to jump for joy in celebration that it is the end of the work week. Awake, It’s time to appreciate a great well-deserved break, but let me ask you one thing.

Why is it that you are so happy for Friday to be here? I mean yes obviously it is because you want to do something other that what you have been doing all week. You want to be able to enjoy your time doing the things you want to be doing. Right?

So why on earth are you not doing this every day?

Oh but, I need to work in order to do this or to pay for that. Yes, you do, but why don’t you do something you actually enjoy, love and are passionate about?

But before we get into the debate of following your dreams and being the hero to yourself you have always wanted to be.

Let’s take it back to something a little more basic. Setting a goal each day that will inspire you to jump out of bed.

For some, this will be easy, but others not so easy. 

For me, it is the opportunity of each day, embracing it knowing that you can go into it giving it your best and the best part is, you finish the day knowing you did your best. Which would mean you will always have the best kind of day!

So my challenge to you today is; now that you are already awake, you have already missed the setting of your daily goal, but how about you plan for tomorrow. Plan what it is you are going to jump out of bed for? Then write it down. Capture your adventure, your achievements each day and then you can use this to reflect a little later. You will be surprised at how encouraging it can be.

Monday to Friday are the best kind of days. Saturday and Sunday, are just the same!

So remember!! 

Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. – The Colour Run

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Forrest, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #162: Steps Of Clarity

It takes time to get to the top of your game and it takes clarity. There is no quick win, other than to keep working towards your end goal each and every day. 

Today I want to give you 3 quick, yet important quotes which you can dwell over and hopefully encourage and inspire you to keep on keeping on! These three steps of clarity will do the trick:

“The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later” – Randy Komisar

“The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.” – Unknown

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing.. that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Do they give you some clarity? These 3 quotes are important elements in your journey to success. Whether you like it or not, sometimes in order to get through to the top, we will need to go through the tough, but in the end, you should be able to say it was worth the risk, you’re a better person because of it and that your daily diligence and persistence paid off.

So what will you do? Are you willing to apply these 3 to your life? 

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #161: Grand Adventure

Life is full of adventure, full of moments and full of excitement. Life is also full of plenty of things which are the complete opposite of these as well… and when they come rushing down, do you know what you need to do? You just need to remember that life is full of adventures, it is full of moments and full of excitement and it will only be this if you let it be exactly that.

You see, you can choose to accept defeat, you can choose to worry yourself to sleep, or stress so much you don’t sleep at all. You can be fearful of tomorrow, or you can be scared of what is to come…

Or simply; you can be adaptive, strategic and positive and put each one of these times and obstacles into a bucket of either an adventure, a moment or excitement. Either way, regardless of how you categorize these ‘sections’ of your life, this will grow you, make you and create you into something bigger and better than before, even if it does take you a few years to even realize it.

Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it. – Kevyn Aucoin

So don’t be such a spoil sport and think of the worst, or mope because you didn’t get to sleep in. Embrace the day and embrace its challenge as one day, you may just find yourself on the edge of life and you will remember the times you could have been or should have been and that you will never have a chance to rise up and be the superstar you are… again.

So why not be a superstar today and be the writer of your own adventure, your own moments and your own excitement. Adventure is waiting. Adventure is ready for you.

Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference. – Lou Holtz

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #159: Check Your Attitude

Be ready for anything, be ready for the best to happen and be ready for the worst to happen. Regardless, have your mind in the game and switched on ready to take on whatever comes your way. Attitude will ultimately make you or break you. Remember that. 

If this means taking an attitude check, then so be it. If you go into today with a lousy expectation, you will automatically be looking for the worst, as your mind will have become accustomed to finding the negative. Hence why it is so crucial to have your attitude in the right place. Check yourself before your wreck yourself. Attitude and expectation will define the flow of the day, the week and so on. So make sure you have it in the right place.

Are you ready? 

With this, all in mind, remember that each day is a new day to step it up. Each day you can show improvement, and work harder than you did the day before. This doesn’t mean to spend longer on whatever you are doing, it just means to be more receptive and focused. Applying lessons learned and skills adapted, ensuring you are really putting in your best.

Work harder than you think you did yesterday. – Unknown

Photo Credit: Instagram: @crissyedge | Location: Sorrento, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #158: A Little Care

You don’t need to care about what other people think of you. But at the end of the day, you need to make sure you care about how you think of yourself. 

This is a big step up towards growing up. Remember at school you’d always want to “look cool” or hang out with the popular crowd? When you start to grow up, you’ll learn that other people’s opinions of you and what they think don’t really fit in your life anymore. They become less relevant, or at least they should.

You’ll be so much happier going your own path in life, and once you start that journey you’ll not want to look back!

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. – Mary Kay Ash

Photo Credit: Instagram: @crissyedge | Location: Waverly Cemetery, Sydney

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #157: Right Now

Dreaming is sometimes the best way to escape reality and really identify what it is you want to be doing. Well right now is the time to act on that.  We all have ambitions hidden away that we wish to pursue. The problem is, we struggle to take the first step necessary to achieve it. It may be the hardest action to do (taking the first step) but once you do, you will never regret it. Taking action right now to make tangible steps towards your ambitions will be the best thing you can do. 

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

Think of it like this… An investor views trees as investments. The best time to start investing was 20 years ago. The second best time to start investing is now. “It’s not timing the market, it’s time in the market.” Time in the market basically means the longer you have investments, the longer your investments have been growing and making you money. Hence, like your dreams, the sooner you start, the sooner you learn, the sooner you grow, and the sooner you will be thriving in the big wide world. INVEST IN YOURSELF. Start today.

My challenge to you is to first identify what it is you want to do, then start to work on it.

But seriously, the only real way to get your feet off the ground is to jump and just take the plunge.

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Sugarloaf Reservoir, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #156: Success In Three

If you have been a regular here, you will know I am one to promote and encourage finding your success.

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” – Conrad Hilton

Everyone and anyone can and should be successful and the only difference between the people who are and who are not is the simple choices we make each day. These will vary, however, there are three simple yet important traits which will fuel your success.

1. You need to stop keeping the entirety of your goals to yourself

Personally, I find this one on the half-half side as I have found usually when you share your goals too early or even your end result, you automatically tell your mind that you have already achieved this and it can release the idea to your mind and limit your ability to work hard for it. I would advise, noting to someone rather than saying I am going to lose 25kgs, say I am working to lose weight this year. Regardless, this will vary per person but the point is to find one and stick to what works for you…

2. Stop expecting it all to just happen overnight

I think this one speaks for itself. It takes time and you should know this. It is going to take hard work and dedication to achieve your goals. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to be a lawyer, a teacher, a writer, or a coffee shop owner. The trials and tribulations are what make you feel successful when your dreams turn into reality.

3. Stop focusing on what isn’t working and look for the bright side!

When you are too busy focusing on the mistakes and setbacks that you are going to have to deal with and not seeing them as an opportunity to learn, you are only hurting yourself.


Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #155: Top Capacity

Time itself will never change, but how we utilize it will always change, based on what you decide to do. So do you have the courage to adapt to your capacity bucket of proportionate changes in life?

What even is your capacity bucket of proportionate changes?

As is our confidence, so is our capacity. – William Hazlitt

Basically, it is both the mental/psychological and physical changes, pressure and intensity, in which you can handle, without spilling over your bucket. Think of it like this; you have a bucket full of water balancing on top of your head and depending on your day and what you experience, this bucket will walk with you, run with your do whatever it is you are doing. But the real trick is to manage this bucket while you do what you do and still allow it to NOT spill over. If it does, well there will be some uncomfortable moments, but there will also be sometimes where nothing really changes. The point is, whatever the outcome, the best thing you can do is pick it up and keep on keeping on.

The best part is, that next time this occurs you will have hopefully learned the mistakes from the first time, and this should technically deepen your bucket capacity. So if you continue to do this each day and every day for the rest of your life, imagine by the time you settle down to retire. Imagine the wisdom, the experience and sheer breadth of knowledge you should have accumulated. Most of all, imagine how deep and wide and strong and worthy your capacity bucket would be.

So how will you handle your bucket today?

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?