Day #261: You Should Be Stubborn & Flexible When Chasing Your Goals

Being stubborn about your goals, will give you the discipline and commitment you need! Stubborn is one thing, but being flexible is another. Be flexible with your goals. Stubborn enough to stay committed and not give in to being lazy and not working forward. However, you need to be flexible in how you get there. Sometimes, there will be obstacles, delays and challenges that will require you to move forward in a different way. Just because there is an obstacle, doesn’t mean you cannot still progress. Maybe you will have set backs, maybe it will just take longer and maybe different opportunities will come… regardless be flexible, but be committed!

Blockages are tricky to handle. We really cannot ignore them. If we do, our inner voice will demand our attention. We also need to realize that many of our inner challenges can’t be easily solved with an affirmation or visualization. They take a concerted effort and some time to heal and repair. What’s needed is a strategy so that we can move forward. So what can we do? I think the easiest way to handle blockages is to treat them as long-term companions in our lives. And give them their due. One way is to write in a journal every day in the morning and the evening. The amount of time doesn’t have to be great. By giving attention to the part of you that needs healing you are then freer to move forward. And you will feel better about yourself and therefore do better as a result.

– Maria Hill: (Simple steps to move forward)

Avoid pushing yourself too hard and too fast. By accepting limitations, you actually stand a better chance of success because you are not fighting yourself.

Be prepared for and accept obstacles as important information. Sometime obstacles occur because of details that we need to pay attention to. We may not notice when we are going too fast or when we need to take a step back because we have missed something important.

“If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a LOT of time dealing with a life you DON’T want.” – Harrison Ford