Day #276: Worry Less & Give It A Shot

Worry less and you will have more time to give it a go. It is all about attitude and perception for when it comes to taking action. You can jump in to test the waters, or you can jump in and make waves! Be the one to jump in making the biggest impact – giving it 110% of what you got. Even if you don’t get the final result you wanted… you still made an impact, a wave and I am sure you would have had some fun along the way!

Worry not of the day ahead, worry not of tomorrow. Not everything can be changed or controlled, but if you have made your decision to lose before even starting, how could expect to at least attempt in changing or controlling the things before you?

When you fill your mind with worry, there is no room for your greatness, your ideas and your talents to reflect. When worry takes over, take a pen and some paper and jot down a plan to track back on target, to understand what needs to be done to release this worry and be back at productive capacity!

Worry less but plan more. Take an attitude check, reevaluate and prepare yourself to be the best! Give it a shot today!

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” – Elbert Hubbard