Day #336: An Opportunity To Evaluate

Now that the final countdown has begun (30 days) it is time to get into a reflection mode and begin to assess how the year has been. Let’s evaluate! Identify what have you conquered this year – and don’t be so hard on yourself. Think about the detailed and different things you have accomplished. Some of you would have finished school, started a new job, a new journey and discovered new things. Maybe some of you have lost a ton of weight, or become the next best thing at a hobby or skill. Maybe you have hit it big with your investments, maybe you have fallen in love. 

Regardless. Don’t look back on the year and think it was a failure or that it was a waste of time. Look back on the year of the moments you have become something more, look back and see just how far you have come! You are a champion! If you think you are lacking in achievement… or struggling to identify the wow factor of your year – break it down to experience, break it down to growth and what you are doing. Are you doing the same thing a year ago, or something more, something harder or something at a different pace? Maybe you haven’t started your next amazing thing, but you have completed or planned to start this in the new year – even this is an achievement. 

You have a chance to evaluate and reflect on the good and on the bad. You’re going to baseline a year.

If you are determined to think the failure was your year, why not try to realize that failure is simply is an opportunity to start again! This time with lessons learned. So before we go to the new year, start preparing yourself for your best year yet! Will you do it? Will you put in what it takes to step it up, to make the changes, to be the best you possible?

“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustrations were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” – Tony Robbins