P365 2018: Day #136: The Goal Is Growth

Growth! Everyday challenge yourself, everyday expand that bubble that you have locked yourself in so tight. Push out those walls and be willing to grow, be willing to struggle, be willing to have to sweat it out, be willing for change. For I tell you, it should not be perfection you strive for but the goal of growth, self-growth to the point in which you will soon see just what it can do. You can not perfect without growth, you cannot grow without action or without challenge. Today what will you do to grow?

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #135: Good Morning

I’ve always been a morning person and I am always trying to tell others just how exciting and beneficial it is. I have found that I am more proactive, happy and healthy.

Any early bird would know we have a common set of traits which make us successful. Maybe you are in the process of changing up your lifestyle and looking to be an early riser?

This is the perfect blog for you!

Morning people…

  1. Accomplish Tasks As Soon As They Start Their Day
  2. Potentially More Intelligent
  3. They Are Most Focused In The Morning
  4. They Follow The Habits Of Successful People
  5. They Get Enough Shuteye
  6. They Are More Proactive
  7. They Have The Time For Breakfast
  8. They Are Usually Happier
  9. They Usually Have Great Personality Traits

All these traits have some amazing benefits. They allow for more time, for more activities, for better schedules and even healthier bodies. This does not mean being a night owl is worse off. It just means that if you utilize our morning strategically and with a well rounded routine, you will be jumping out of bed and kick-starting your day at a whole new level.

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #134: Try. Fail. Repeat.

Try. And try again. What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when you bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen. – Henry David Thoreau

Progressing each day will set a new foundation for the next day. Even if the day feels like a loss, if you are moving forward, or even leaning forward this is still better than being stuck at a single standpoint.

Keep moving forward. Lose many, but win most battles and conquer the war. There will be losses, there will be fights – but by the end of it, you will have conquered the very challenge that may at one stage seemed like the impossible. Each day it is a chance to reconvene, to restructure and strategically try again.

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #133: Grow To That

It is time to grow. Growth is built up from weaving your way through this world and it is either going to be within your comfort zone or outside it. As you grow, as you learn and as you decide to really who and what you want to be in the world – you can begin to embrace, expand and absorb the unknown areas outside your comfort zone and begin to grow even more.

In order to progress into a greater state of growth, one must exceed their limits and comfort zones into where the remarkable happens. By pushing yourself into new areas you will have a chance to authentically define who you are, and break free of the limitations of what others think you should be. But also, growth outside your comfort zone can mean confidence in other areas of your life.

Living life uncomfortably is the only way to live. It’s being uncomfortable that makes you better. It’s being uncomfortable that reminds you you’re not where you want to be. It’s your road map for finding the finish line.

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #132: Oh Yes! Success!

Society today says to settle for the ordinary and to go with what is the usual and what people know. This is not success. Don’t get me wrong, sticking to what you know will work but sometimes stepping out and working until it is better than the norm, will work better.

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #131: Recognise It

When things are going wrong, it’s hard to recognise what is going right. It’s easy to screen out the good things and only focus on the bad things. Remind yourself that some things are going right. Purposely look for the positive, even if it is something very small.

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #130: Your Potential

Your potential is as far as you want it to go. Today is a new day, a day with an opportunity to say I am willing! You can do it! You can do so much more if you are willing to put in everything, to dedicate, to focus and push for greatness. The question is what is your goal? Where do you want your greatness to go?

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #129: Planned Or Not

Sometimes the day doesn’t go as you planned, maybe you slipped and skipped a workout, or you indulged and gave into your resolution. Let me tell you that YES you fall off track! But don’t dwell on it… ok… get back out there and do even better! Fight back, be stronger, push harder! Be willing to make up for what was lost!! Begin again today.

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #128: Great You Are

Let me just tell you how great you are! The people in your life whether it be 1, 3, 5, 10, 100, or so many you don’t even know. These people stick around because you are great. You inspire them without you even knowing. Don’t doubt your ability to have an impact on another. Don’t doubt about just how important you are, because I tell you-you are greater than you think. Don’t underestimate yourself. We are all on a journey, some of us at the end of the timeline while others are still learning. You are at one point which is greater than another, you can inspire those yet to be there, while also you are inspired by those further along the timeline! Even if you don’t realize now – in time you’ll see just how and who you inspire. So keep at it! Keep being the great you and keep inspiring!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?

P365 2018: Day #127: The Little Habits

I need and love habits. As a fellow busy bee myself – I understand that through the day and even mornings and night, we are so focused on what we need to do and getting on with the next task, we tend to put off investing our time into reading and learning new everyday things – especially small yet important habits.

With this all in mind I have a list of some quick mini habits you can pick up and apply to your life each and every day. These have been sourced across the web and combined/consolidated for you:

  • Floss before going to bed.
  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
  • “Eat the frog”. Write down 1 task that you must absolutely perform in order for the day to be a success, and do it first when you get to work.
  • Send 1 call/text/email to an old friend or colleague that you haven’t spoken with in a while.
  • End the day with fewer emails in your inbox than you started with.
  • Give away / donate one item in your household every single day. Repeat until you have an uncluttered, restful home.
  • Walk to and from work, if possible. Exercise! Sunshine!
  • Eat at least one fruit or vegetable each day.
  • Express gratitude.
  • Spend at least 20 minutes reading something that is completely unrelated to your career (or “personal development”).
  • Get uncomfortable at least 1x per day (ideally 3x or 5x).

Remember: “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair

Image by @canva at Unknown

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

Make sure you are following us on Facebook
Make sure you are following us on Instagram
Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to contact.p365@gmail.com
Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2018 will be. What will you do?