Day #355: 10 Reasons Why You Should Be The Best You


That’s right – the final countdowns have begun. 11 more days until the next big thing is to commence. 2017. In lead up and in preparation, I do hope you are planning ahead and preparing for a year which will enable the best version of you. Maybe this year you had the same plan, however, maybe you lost sight, maybe you struggled or maybe things just didn’t go as planned… Sorry to break it to you again… 2017 will be just as hard, maybe even harder. There will be struggles and things won’t go as planned. But what I can promise you, is if you be the true you, if you make the year about maximizing you, the best you and greatest you, your year will be filled with a journey that will change you forever and that will take you on an adventure, a trip and an experience you will never forget.

All it takes is a bit of ‘Self Discovery’ and a lot of courage, strength, and awareness to become the person you were meant to be.

Happiness cannot happen if you don’t live your truth. It may cause mistakes, failure, and regrets—but it will also bring lessons, wisdom, and personal harmony. If you don’t live your truth, you will become angry, resentful, and end up in a life that doesn’t suit you. But of course, it’s not easy to just be true to who you are. Finding your inner truth is a process that takes time. And sometimes it takes a very long time. You have to work to pay the bills, but while you are being responsible, try to be true to that voice inside you. When you discover the true you, AHA! happens; you know what you want and are free to go after it with every ounce of your being. When you do, you live contently—comfortable in your own skin—able to achieve whatever impossible dreams you had imagined for yourself.

Here are ten reasons why being the true YOU is the best way to be:

  • You can celebrate your nature!
  • You won’t lose sight of your own dreams.
  • You will experience the joy of inner peace.
  • You will feel good in your own skin.
  • You won’t feel like a phony.
  • You will get that warm cozy feeling when you put your head on your pillow at night—and a good night’s sleep.
  • You can become your best self.
  • You will learn to spend time alone.
  • You will be more willing to reach outside your comfort zone.
  • You can still be realistic.

“The two best days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain