Day #029: Stay On Point

Change is not about fighting or trying to fix the old – but it is about creating the new. – Socrates

We are nearly a month into the year and I’m sure you have all had some ups and downs, some highs and lows with your goals and life in general.

A fixed mindset is what stops many of us from trying to improve in certain areas where we think we’ve hit our ceiling. In truth, of course, we’re all capable of reaching new heights. It’s just a matter of shifting from a fixed mindset to what Dweck (Stanford University psychology professor Carol Dweckcalls a “growth mindset,” a belief that we actually are in control of what we achieve. Yes, we all have inherent limitations; no matter how hard you try, you may never play tennis like Serena Williams. But, there’s a giant territory between being better than you are now and being the best in the world.

If you have a growth mindset, you think: If I stretch 10 minutes every day, I will become more flexible or If I take a class and practice every day, I will become a better writer. You’ll take on self-improvement projects and you’ll persevere through challenges because, deep down, you know you can succeed. If you think you’ve been holding yourself back with a fixed mindset, how do you go about shifting to a growth mindset? ***

To help you figure things out and ensure you remain on track. Here are some key points & challenges to encourage you, push you and hopefully motivate you to keep doing your best and to soldiering on!

  • Time to get real! If you want change in your life, you need to make the time, the effort and the priority for it to be in your life.
  • You need to apply yourself, even if it does require hard work. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
  • I dare you to make time, prioritize and be the change, or start making the change you have always wanted.
  • Everyday is new progress. Whether it be a little bit, more than before or simply the same amount, it is still better than nothing.
  • Whatever your goal/resolution is… keep working towards it.
  • Today, put in some time. Tomorrow, put in some more time.
  • If you don’t put in the time, then don’t expect to see the results you want. 
  • If it is one thing we are all destined to experience, it is growth. 
  • All those good times, those bad times, those hard times and those easy times, these are all things that will grow you.
  • Everything that is thrown at you, is a chance to bounce back bigger, stronger and better! A chance to stand up again!
  • Just because things are tough now, doesn’t mean they will be forever.
  • Perception and attitude will make the difference in your day. You just need to decide to have the attitude and perception to see it through!
  • Have you progressed this week? Today is a day to remind yourself of where you are going!
  • Have you swerved off track?
  • Remind yourself of why you set your goal, why you decided to work for whatever it is you’re doing.
  • If you have failed already, get back up and start again!
  • Discipline requires self-control just as much as it deserves rewards! Reward yourself as you progress!

The longer you wait, the more gnawingly painful and paralyzingly complex it will feel. – @BenjaminPHardy

Have any of these points encouraged you?  Inspired You? Then please share these with your friends and family!

*** of Lifehack Org