Day #072: Great You Are

Confidence can prove to be a mind battle.

It can be harder than you expect. Learning to work your magic by identifying and standing tall in who you are, how you look, what you do and what you value. This is what will make you confident.

You’ve come this far, so the sky is the limit! Keep going!

“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.” – Ritu Ghatourey

When all is said and done, you need to just go for it! Confidence builds as you take positive action and begin to see positive results.

Take a moment to see who you are in the mirror and tell yourself you are more confident than then the day before.

Tell yourself you are capable and you are happy because you are you.

Stand tall, put your shoulders back and look at others in the eye and SMILE.

Here are 10 ways to boost your confidence, even more so at work.

  1. Cut the negative self-talk
  2. Boost your knowledge
  3. Rinse and repeat (Practice is the cornerstone of success. But it’s not only the practice – it’s also correcting mistakes along the way.)
  4. Build on your strengths
  5. Pick up new skills
  6. Ask questions
  7. Eliminate negative language
  8. Focus on your successes
  9. Fake it until you make it
  10. Have fun

Do you have another way to boost your confidence?

Have you tried any of these? Give it a shot!

Get out there and show the world how great you are!