Stepping up and into the shoes of the person we have dreamed of being – starts from within. – Chris Furlong
If you can’t learn to trust, love and care for yourself, then how can you expect to become the greatest you are.
Firstly, you need to remember, there is nothing wrong with you.
You are you for a reason and for a purpose.
Take a quick walk down memory lane, back to your childhood. Think back to the happy moments, when time didn’t seem to be bound by the busy world we live in.
Time was just you and your imagination and a life full of adventure. Think back to your original aspirations and dreams of who and what you wanted to be and do when you grew up? Did you use to look at who you wanted to be? But did you ever start sculpting yourself into that person. It is never too late to chase this dream.
This thinking applies to every one of all ages. It’s about self-improvement and commitment in the face of an awesome, almost daunting goal. And yes, many people will fail. But it’s hardly by chance.
“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” – Michelangelo
Questions to ask yourself:
- Are you doing or chasing that dream today?
- If you are not doing or chasing the dream, what do you need to do to start?
- Is that childhood dream still the same passion today?
- If your dream has changed, then what is it?
The bigger questions to ask yourself are:
- Are you sculpting and creating yourself into that future aspiration?
- Are you encouraging yourself, pushing yourself and striving for the next taste of success?
Find what it is you love, find what it is you are good at and find what it is that you would want to do everyday.
Don’t let life kick you into the adult you don’t want to become – Chris Hadfield