Day #178: Staying Committed


When it comes to keeping active and healthy, exercise is obviously an important key. Staying committed is more important. For some, this requires some hard motivation and a push to get out there, while for others, they cannot get out there quick enough. Like any habit, goal, and journey, it takes the time to see the results and to see how far you have progressed. Depending on contributing factors, the time will vary and so will the intensity of the progress.

There are many ways to stay committed, to stay motivated, to see it through to the finish line and this is for any good habit, goal or routine. However, the real key may be as simple as  ‘keep on keeping on’. As long as you’re doing, then you are progressing.

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans. – Peter Drucker

See below on some ways you can keep on keeping on:

Find some passion while you do it

When you’re actually working on your goal, find a way to do it that you enjoy doing. Let’s say you’re trying to lose 10kg and you have never exercised or had a routine to keep you honest. This is the perfect chance to do a workout that you find fun. You could swim, box, run, walk, go intense or slow it down with yoga… There are so many options, there will always be one for you. This is the same for other goals. 

Educate yourself

Knowledge is power, people. Just don’t try to impart your wisdom on those who didn’t ask for it. If you’re going to be doing and trying new things to get this goal over the line, you may as well educate yourself. As once you succeed, I can assure you, you will have others looking to you for the secrets of success and when you have the knowledge to share, this can benefit you quite well!

Apply it to your life

What’s that? Don’t you have time to focus on your goal? Well firstly, that’s a joke as for where are your priorities? However, I can understand we all have busy lives and the best way to ensure you are doing something for your goals each day, is to embed your efforts, within your daily do. Trying to hit those 10,000 steps each day? How about skip the subway and walk? Want to read a book a week? Read while you commute. These are some simple and very basic examples, but that’s all it needs to be. Think of it like killing two birds with one stone.

Own it and take charge

The key to sticking to your goals is owning them and taking charge of your plans. There will be sacrifice and make it clear that when you are working on your goal, this is your time. If people ask if you are busy, YES YOU ARE BUSY. You have something on. Your goal working time! I’m sure some people will find it silly, or say you can do that anytime. Well, that’s not true. You have dedicated this time as this is the time you can do it. So be strong, stand tall when it comes to staying on top of goal progress. As it only takes a couple of times skipping your usual goal working session and you will be backsliding… and all that PROGRESS will start to decompose. It is your choice. Own it!

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia 

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community.

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?