Day #344: Resolutions Again – Here Is How You Can Succeed

It has been a common theme over the last month, but that’s because it is so serious. Yes, I am talking about New Year’s Resolutions again. Simply because it is that time of the year and I want you to master the best you can be in 2017. Just wait for it… The Facebook statuses that say, “New Year, New Me” will begin pouring in. and we will all roll our eyes. You see, it has become somewhat of a tradition to make New Year’s resolutions as we plan for the year ahead. However, most of us abandon these goals before we even take down our Christmas lights. For a lot of people, it doesn’t really matter.

For those of us who want to make positive changes in the new year, here are seven ways to better the chances of following through:

1. Write it down.

And no, I don’t mean on social media. I mean get a notebook and write out your resolutions.

2. Make a plan.

Don’t just write down the resolutions themselves; have a plan of action.

3. Visibility is key.

Once you’ve got a list and you have a game plan, make sure it’s part of your day. Post it somewhere you’ll see it often, so you can be reminded to stay on track. This doesn’t need to be for every eye to see – but for you to see.

4. Be realistic.

This is twofold. Make sure your goals are reasonable.

Don’t say, “I’m going to lose 80 kg’s this year!” because even though it’s not impossible, it’s unlikely. Set attainable goals – you can also add more through the journey, especially if you hit your goal.

5. Stay accountable.

Involve your family and friends. (but don’t explicitly give them the details, just tell them your goal is to lose weight). There’s no shame in self-improvement, and getting others involved will help you stay on track.

6. Don’t stop there.

It’s very rewarding to meet your goals, so take it a step further and build on your resolutions. i.e. If you resolved to go to the gym more so you can get healthier, you could try signing up for a special fitness class.

7. Don’t wait.

Along with building on your goals and pushing yourself further, remember it doesn’t have to be New Year’s to resolve to improve your life.

If you have an idea on how to become happier, healthier or just a better you, start today.

Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory. – Ghandi