Day #079: Lessons To Learn

What we encounter today should be the lessons for tomorrow. The knowledge we accumulate day in and day out should be the continuous fuel we require to motivate our willpower to adapt and learn. Learning is not just the experience, but it is the choice to understand and take action. 

Choosing to acknowledge that we must learn is enabling ourselves to be a better version of ourselves. We can stick to being linear, or we can take hold of the opportunities and the things around us to learn and to start to spread our wings beyond the linear world. 

Imagine if all your problems were solved, what would you do?

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #078: Best Is Yet To Come

Even after you have experienced the best thing yet, the best is still yet to come. We will never be perfect, but we can strive to be better or experience better. You can wait around for things to happen, you can wait around expecting the cup to one day overflow.  BUT, if you decide to start pouring for yourself and filling the cup yourself, things will start to flow. You as you grow, you as you develop and you as you impact the world around you will soon enough be a cup overflowing.

You are in control of your life, your ambitions, your goals and most of all your attitude.

Every morning as I commute to work, I am constantly reminded that regardless if the day is looking half-empty or half full…

I need to take action and make sure I am pouring the water. But less about me and more about you!

But if you don’t start from a cup half empty, how will you ever get to a cup half full?

Doesn’t matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you are the one pouring the water – Mark Cuban

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: South Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #077: Direction Of Your Dreams

Trying to navigate our lives into the direction of dreams can seem easier said than done… 

Whether you are young, old or in between, I know you have dreams. Dreams to do something better, to live differently, to have this or to have that or to be here or there. Regardless, what if I told you that you could have these. What if you can start heading in this direction today. We live day by day in fear of not keeping up with the Joneses. Well, you don’t have to. Those dreams you have, those aspirations and those passions can all be true. Why not take a stand in confidence to follow those dreams. Why not work every day to get closer to these dreams, goals, aspirations and passions…

You know that nervous feeling you get just before you’re about to do something new before you take a chance? That my friend is you stepping out of your comfort zone. Whether it is closer to your goals or not, this is growing you.

Go now and grow and go in the direction of your dreams. 

Photo Credit: Instagram: @3595s | Location: Guangdong, China

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #076: Step Up To Yourself

If you can’t learn to trust, love and care for yourself, then how can you expect to step up and become the greatest you can be?

Growing up sometimes isn’t about taking on the new and unknown, but sometimes it is stepping up and taking controls of the skills and talents we have already. 

Think back to the happy moments, when time didn’t seem to be bound by the busy world we live in.

Time was just you and your imagination and a life full of adventure.

Think back to your original aspirations and dreams of who and what you wanted to be and do when you grew up?

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” – Michelangelo

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are you doing or chasing that dream today?
  2. If you are not doing or chasing the dream, what do you need to do to start?
  3. Is that childhood dream still the same passion today?
  4. If your dream has changed, then what is it?

The bigger questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Are you sculpting and creating yourself into that future aspiration?
  2. Are you encouraging yourself, pushing yourself and striving for the next taste of success?

Find what it is you, love, find what it is you are good at and find what it is that you would want to do every day.

Don’t let life kick you into the the adult you don’t want to become – Chris Hadfield

Photo Credit: Instagram: @michwai | Location: Wellington, New Zealand

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #075: Get Your Game On

It is time to get your game on. We all have ideas and we all have dreams, but if you want to get to that next level? See success? Progress onwards? Or achieve greatness? It is time to push harder, time to push on, time to go that extra mile, time to work that a little more, time to save that little extra, time to believe that little longer. Persistence is the key, but also it is the will to step it up. You need to do it. Take a stand and push on, set a new bar for yourself.

How we do this is through persistence. Persistence is the key, but also it is dependent on your ‘WILL’ to step it up. You need to do it. You need to take a stand and push on, set a new bar for yourself.

Don’t let others set the bar for you, but by all means let them help you, guide you and sponsor you. 

Photo Credit: Instagram: @michwai | Location: Wellington, New Zealand

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #074: Face The Fear

Today I challenge you to push yourself a little more and face more of your fear. The things that scare you, the things you think you are not good enough for, the things that feel impossible… these are the things to work harder for and these are the things to face more.

Work smarter and persist in getting closer and closer to these today.

You’re not alone on your journey to become the greatest you can be. We all have our issues, our problems, our weaknesses, our struggles and of course our fears. But today, you can take a step, one step a little closer to what will be closer to something new, something better, something you have dreamed for and something that will ultimately make you who can be.

Today Sir/Madam, I challenge you to FACE YOUR FEAR and take a step closer to being and releasing your potential.

Photo Credit: Instagram: @idontwritebooks | Location: Deer Park, Washington

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #073: Great You Are

Confidence can prove to be a mind battle. But that is what makes you so GREAT. 

It can be harder than you expect. Learning to work your magic by identifying and standing tall in who you are, how you look, what you do and what you value.

This is what will make you confident. This is what will make you GREAT.

You’ve come this far, so the sky is the limit! Keep going!

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.” – Ritu Ghatourey

When all is said and done, you need to just go for it! Confidence builds as you take positive action and begin to see positive results.

Take a moment to see who you are in the mirror and tell yourself you are more confident than then the day before.

Tell yourself how GREAT you are.

Tell yourself you are capable and you are happy because you are you.

Stand tall, put your shoulders back and look others in the eye. Smile.

Here are 10 ways to boost your confidence, even more so at work.

  1. Cut the negative self-talk
  2. Boost your knowledge
  3. Rinse and repeat (Practice is the cornerstone of success. But it’s not only the practice – it’s also correcting mistakes along the way.)
  4. Build on your strengths
  5. Pick up new skills
  6. Ask questions
  7. Eliminate negative language
  8. Focus on your successes
  9. Fake it until you make it
  10. Have fun

Do you have another way to boost your confidence?

Have you tried any of these? Give it a shot!

Get out there and show the world how GREAT you are!

Photo Credit: Instagram: @canva | Location: Earth

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #072: Whatever It Takes

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get to your goals? It’s a common cliche to say you’re going to do this or that and retire young and change the world. But after saying this, what are you actually doing? Are you making progress? Are you taking the necessary steps to get you to where you want to go? Are you asking the right questions, are you having the right conversations?

You have 24 hours each day to make some progress. Are you spending 2 minutes? 20 minutes? 2 hours? What? It’s your time so spend how you please. 

Spend your time wisely as you only get it once. 

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #071: A Whole Lot Of Discipline

Discipline takes courage, courage takes strength and strength take resilience.

It is more than just getting out there and repeating the same thing over and over. Discipline is somewhat that but with an increase of growth, with a mission and vision to learn more, to grow more and to expand ones’ boundaries of comfort. But it requires courage. You need to be bold. Bold enough to step out and be willing to take on the trials of what may stand in your way. In doing so, one must be strong enough to take the courage and strength is no cup of tea. This itself is resilience. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and to further enable toughness. 

Do you have courage?

Do you have the strength?

Do you have resilience?

Do you have discipline? 

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne, Australia

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?

Day #070: What Makes You Tick

What makes you tick? What makes you wake up and do what you do? Are you living to survive, or are you living for something more? 

Strip away the routines of a cliche life and think about what it could and should look like for you. It doesn’t have to be one thing, it can be more multiple things. 

As a norm, society suggests you go to school to learn typically and the standard topics that will enable you to become just another sheep in the working world. But there is more than just the usual. What do you want to do? Aside from living comfortable and not having to worry about money, what is it you would like to do? 

I challenge you to identify 5 things you would like to do as an everyday living, as a work life balance and as your way of making a difference in this world. 


What about these:

  • Treasure Hunter (fossicking / metal detecting / combing)
  • Adventurer (hiker / travel guide / writer)
  • Aerial Photography ( drone photography/videography)

Your imagination is your limit, so think beyond the norm.

Photo Credit: Instagram: @jim_amado | Location: Boracay Beach, Philippines

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?