Day #051: Keep Going!

The best thing you can do is to keep going.

You have made it this far so why stop now?

Now that you have passed the 50 day mark, take some time to reflect on how you are travelling. 

Yesterday I challenged you to make 2016 a better year. Now in order to do this, you need to be growing.

In order to keep growing, you need to be pushing yourself. You also need to reflect and evaluate your ongoing progress.

Whatever your goals may be, you should write them down and track them consistently.

If you have been tracking them, reflect and review your progress. Challenge yourself.

If you haven’t been tracking your goals, then you can still start! Challenge yourself. 

Some of the areas you should be pushing to grow yourself in are noted below. I have also included some examples:

  • Health: Track your weight, track your calories, track your measurements, track food types.
  • Fitness: Track your running km’s, track your steps, track your workouts, track your reps, track your sets, track your times, track your heart rate.
  • Relationships: Review your contacts, do you know each one? Are you networking with them?
  • Work: Set some performance objectives, both work and personal related. Aim for a promotion, a raise. Track your efforts.
  • Spiritual Walk: How much time are spending on this? 10%, 15%, 20% of your time? More or Less?
  • Finances: Daily saving goals, budgets, long terms goals, % allocation (pleasure vs work).
  • Aspirations/Goals: Overall can you tick any of these off? Have you started any? Challenge yourself.
  • Skills: What new skills are you teaching yourself or developing? At work and outside work.
  • Mindsets: Attitude checks – morning and night.  Write down your thoughts, if you struggle.
  • Talents: What talents have you got hidden, that your are not utilizing. Share them.
  • Habits: Are you breaking bad ones, creating new and healthy ones? Track your progress.
Make time for it. Just get it done.

Nobody ever got STRONG or got in SHAPE by thinking about it. They did it. – Jim Wendler