Day #131: Highly Successful Day

YES! You have made it past Monday! And as you will know by now – today (just like any day) is the best kind of day. Once again I am going to remind you to embrace it and to make it the best day it possibly can be. Today I want to challenge you to make it a highly successful day by understanding and utilizing the below:

By the end of the day ensure that there are no EXCUSES, no EXPLANATIONS and no REGRETS.

Here are 10 things you can evaluate at the end of the day (any day for that matter) to measure your success. These 10 things are usually evaluated over a longer period of time, however lets scale it back for today and see if you can relate.

10 Ways you can consider yourself as highly successful today:

1. Successful people don’t make excuses for themselves.

Ask yourself: What makes my dreams impossible? If I put in all 100% effort, would it still be unachievable?

2. Successful people are flexible when and if they need to be.

Ask yourself: Why is my plan not working currently? How could I improve my plan?

3. Successful people don’t quit.

Ask yourself: Do you have to quit or do you want to quit? If you quit now, is there a chance you will one day regret it?

4. Successful people are a business.

Ask yourself: Could I be more productive during the day? What do I want to achieve this week? What do I want to achieve this month?

5. Successful people have clear goals.

Ask yourself: What are my goals? How can I achieve them? How long will it take? Can I put all of my effort into this?

6. Successful people understand that sacrifice is important.

Ask yourself: Will this sacrifice help me to achieve my goals? Is it worth the risk? Am I willing to make this sacrifice?

7. Successful people are willing to jump in at the deep end.

Ask yourself: Do I think it is worth it? Do I want better results? Can I overcome my fears?

8. Successful people live in the moment and do not hold grudges.

Ask yourself: Am I still affected by this? Can I stop thinking about this? Does it affect my future?

9. Successful people can embrace change.

Ask yourself: Can I challenge my fear. Can I adapt to make a difference. Am I willing to grow?

10. Successful people are thankful.

Ask yourself: Who has helped me today? Have I thanked them?

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill