Day #133: Greater Growth


Growth is built up from weaving your way through this world and it is either going to be within your comfort zone or outside it. Pick one!

As you grow, as you learn and as you decide on really who and what you want to be in the world – you can begin to embrace, expand and absorb the unknown areas outside your comfort zone and begin to grow even more.

In order to progress into a greater state of growth, one must exceed their limits and comfort zones into where the remarkable happens. By pushing yourself into new areas you will have a chance to authentically define who you are, and break free of the limitations of what others think you should be. But also, growth outside your comfort zone can mean confidence in other areas of your life.

Living life uncomfortable is the only way to live. It’s being uncomfortable that makes you better. It’s being uncomfortable that reminds you you’re not where you want to be. It’s your road map for finding the finish line.

“Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name of comfort has killed more ideas, more opportunities, more actions, and more growth than everything else combined. Comfort kills!” — T. Harv Eker

As you learn to adapt and become comfortable, the more you can absorb outside your bubble. The more you absorb,  the greater the consumption of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom you will produce.

Photo Credit: Instagram: @_clfurlong_ | Location: Melbourne

P365 VISUALS will be daily “inspiration” presented by a featured photo with a daily quote / or inspiring words to keep you motivated from a visual perspective. Sounds inspiring right!!

The purpose of this is to once again bring Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to you daily. There will be additional content and small blogs to go with the pictures, however, the focus will be the visuals. The key focus is to provide small yet packing impacts through a visual source and give an opportunity to you the community to have your pictures featured and shared with the rest of the community. 

So how can you get involved?

  1. Make sure you are following us on Facebook
  2. Make sure you are following us on Instagram
  3. Make sure you invite/share the content with your friends and family
  4. Submit your photos… If you would like to have your pictures featured, please send to

Like 2016, 2017 brings new horizons and new opportunities. How we react and take action on these opportunities will ultimately redefine how 2017 will be. What will you do?