Day #138: Believe Reality

Did you know that the more you tell yourself something, over and over again, the more likely you will believe it. Like a routine or a habit, you become accustomed to believe what you are being told. This also means if other people are telling you something over and over again, you will become more and more familiar with it and you will naturally become attained to it. 

Whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality, whether or not it is true or false. – Brian Tracy

Like any habit it needs to be consistent in your life in order for it come in to shape and being. Well this is exactly the same for your belief system. Stepping aside from the usual debate of what you believe regarding religion.

A quick challenge is: What about your attitude and your happiness.

If you are going to wake up everyday and begin the day with a foul attitude of doubt, fear and anxiety, what do you expect the day to be like…

If you wake up ready to take on the day and to conquer the obstacles that come your way, this is always going to make you feel that little extra bouncy!

Now imagine you do this everyday for the next month. Imagine how you will feel. Imagine wanting to jump and spring out of bed because you have realized that each day isn’t a struggle, but each day is an opportunity to learn, grow and to build yourself as an individual. 

Stop putting yourself down. Stop pulling yourself down. Stop thinking and suggesting to yourself that you are not good enough. Take these frustrations and concerns and what I recommend is to take them to the GYM and let them loose!

Now this is a just a quick summary and high level view of a couple of examples. However you can apply this to plenty of factors and areas of your own personal life. 

You should be asking yourself – what are you telling yourself each day. Even if it is something positive or not, I challenge you to write it down.

Are you up for it?