Day #006: Be A Champion – Don’t Give Up

Every battle and every circumstance that you face in the end will make you stronger. We go through life learning, while at the same time living and fighting for the people that you love and care about.

But what about you?

Are you fighting for yourself? Are you fighting for your goals? Are you learning about goals and are you working on them to continue to grow yourself and to make you stronger?

Let’s be frank. Not everyone is going to understand your journey and that is fine. It is not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours and purely yours. So focus on your journey, don’t worry about the haters, as the haters are always going to hate. But get out there, hustle strong and make your journey to a greater you become a reality for 2016. 

However, you should ask yourself.

Are you staying true to yourself? Are you on track and remaining consistent with your newly set goals and resolutions? Are you even working on them?

When you originally started how serious were you? If you’re not going to up your game, if you’re not going to be willing to push a little further, then maybe the people who don’t understand your journey are right. Maybe this goal isn’t right for you.** 

But that’s not true. You set your goals for a reason right? So pull yourself together, grab a grip and come to your senses. Get out there and make some magic.

**If this goal really and honestly is not for you – change it and START on your new goal today. 

Don’t say maybe if you want to say no. – Unknown

Need some tips? Here are Five Minimalist Ways To Follow Through On Your Goals This Year.
  1. Pick a goal and write it down – big and clear
  2. Get to know your goal – really understand what it will take
  3. Break down the goal – break it down into milestones
  4. Write down how you feel – reflect regularly
  5. Tell someone about your new plan – have an accountability partner

Just remember… 

On our quest for happiness, there are many things we must give up. But there are many things that you should never give up if you want to be happy. – Leslie Frey

If you have some of your own tips or some of your own tricks which have been working for your, I would love to hear what you have to say. Or maybe you are struggling still with setting your goals or keeping on point. Drop a comment and ask for some help.