Day #007: Ambition Is Key

Success begins in the mind. Your mind. In order to get anywhere or achieve anything, you need to set your mind towards that something. Like any result or output, you need to put in some action or an input before you can reap the rewards. 
You need to set a fish trap to catch fish.
Are you ambitious? Are you passionate for something? Setting ambitious long-term goals, does not set you up for failure, it sets you up to grow and set’s you up to challenge your ability to step up and out of your comfort zone. We should be setting both ambitious long-term goals, and clear short-term targets. Just as the greyhound runs faster when chasing the mechanical rabbit, people are more motivated when pursuing identifiable targets. Do you have your targets in sight? Can you see what you are chasing for?
When we achieve these goals we feel good about ourselves, regardless if they are the short or long-term goals. There is little to compare to the feeling we get and the happiness we feel after performing and achieving a difficult task or a goal for that matter. 

It’s time to relentlessly pursue your dream. – Chris Furlong

When you’re relentless about something, you mean business. Are you serious about your goals and dreams for 2016?

How serious?

Don’t let anything stop you. Do not resist, do not fall to the obstacles, your self-doubt, your circumstances, the length of the journey, your failures, or your past. 

You’ve got this. 

I would love to hear what your relentless dream is. Share it with me and #relentlessdream