Day #233: 11 Points Of Advice For Those Aspiring For More

Are you aspiring for more? All those people you see walking down the street, or on the front of a trendy magazine or a lifestyle commercial. They didn’t just get to where they are because they were extra special or it was handed to them on a silver platter. They got there through pure action, hard work and time.

What’s that? You want to make it to the same spot or above and beyond… You want to aspire more and continue aspiring?

Well I am glad you asked – here are 11 top tips of advice that if utilized correctly, they can steer you in the right direction:

1. Get Over Your Fears

The more you face your fears, the stronger you will be. Embrace one today!

2. Give Yourself Challenges

Learn something new everyday. Even the little things you learn can be extremely valuable. Write down what you learn.

3. Love what You Do

Steve Jobs says that if you don’t truly believe in what you are doing, you are never going to be completely satisfied in your life. Do what you love and you will love what you do.

4. Plan Your Financing

Know your expenses, abide by a budget, plan to save, set saving goals, identify your priorities, diversify your savings, automate transfers and then watch your savings grow. Let your money work for you.

5. Be Willing to Take Risks

You never know if something is going to work unless you try. If it doesn’t work, learn from it and try something else.

6. Know what You Want

The clearer your vision is, the better able you will be to see it and see what you have to do to make it happen. Embrace your vision and follow your dreams.

7. Listen to Complaints

Bill Gates has said that your “most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” They can teach you what you are doing wrong and help you to succeed. This is the same for feedback/constructive criticism.

8. Learn from Your Mistakes

Your mistakes are your best teacher, as long as you are learning from your mistakes. Identify you have made one, reflect on it, then apply a plan to move forward. But this time you will be smarter.

9. Take Action

If you don’t do anything with your ideas, you aren’t going to be as successful as you want to be. Walt Disney said that the “easiest way to get started is to quit talking and start doing”. Don’t be an all talk and no action kind of person…

10. Put In Your Time

You need to work hard, and put in a lot of hours to be successful. Steve Jobs once said, “If you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time”. The more time you spend working on your success, the quicker it will happen. 

11. Set Goals

Remind yourself every day about your goals, and each time you do so, jot down a way that you can reach those goals. As you progress, mark out your milestones. Once you accomplish a goal, give yourself a pat on the back and move on to the next one.

This is all great… but as Guy Kawasaki said  

“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” – Guy Kawasaki

Day #232: Why An Upbeat Routine Will Uplift Your Day

Having been out of my usual routine for last month, (was sick) getting back into the swing of things at first was a challenge. However now that I am back into routine, it is putting my life and day back on track and at an intense enough speed to keep me on my toes. 

Routine by nature makes you more productive and effective. Instead of running around with a vague idea of what you want to accomplish, the right lifestyle routine can turn you into a productivity monster and someone who will keep on keeping on. Like an attitude, how you set your routine will have a ripple effect across your life and day. An active, productive and well paced routine; will keep you inspired to grow, it will challenge you and keep you moving. A lazy routine may create a slow, unhealthy and inactive lifestyle, which in the long run inspires unhealthy habits.

Here is a list of 5 points of why routine is important and key to uplifting your day:

Routines Create Structure

Most people either don’t know what they want or don’t have a focused way of going about getting what they want. Having a routine eliminates both of those problems by forcing you to do a few things:

  1. Know what you want.
  2. Figure out how to get it.
  3. Add that activity somewhere in your schedule.

Once you have those three steps in place, you’re farther ahead than 90% of people flitting around from task to task with no real outcome or goal in mind.

Routines Eliminate Distraction

With a routine, you have a game plan. Set it up, get stuck into it and if you have formulated it correctly you will be following your routine seamlessly, so much – you will adapt to it like a passion. Your time will fly. But any good routine requires your diligence and self-control to complete the task at hand.

You Don’t Have To Think About Work – You Just Have To Work

The best benefit to creating routines is that you don’t have to think about work – you just work. I think the number one productivity hack in the world is simply deciding what to do.

By creating a routine and having exactly what you want to accomplish laid out, you take the guess-work out of “what” to do and can focus on just doing it. You’re no longer thinking about all the work that you have to and how you’re going to do it – you can simply go ahead and get it done.

You Can Find Your Rhythm

Ever been in “the zone?” That place where everything is easy, you zoom through work, and obstacles seem to scatter out-of-the-way?

Chances are there were a certain set of circumstances and surroundings that allowed for that to happen and helped you perform optimally. A routine lets you take those circumstances and creates a scenario where they happen regularly and predictably – making “the zone” that much easier to find.

This makes finding that zone more likely to happen more often, and when it does happen, lets you perform better – being more efficient and more effective across the board.

A System For Your Life

If you think about it, a routine is nothing more than a system for your life. Just like programmers create a certain program that will execute a function whenever it runs – a routine creates an environment and structure to your life that lets you execute certain tasks at will.

Meanwhile, implementing them seemingly melts any obstacle in the way, since you’ve created a routine that eliminates the distractions in your day and lets you focus on only the tasks at hand that you must do.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” ― John C. Maxwell

***Inspired by

Day #231: Questions To Ask Yourself To Challenge Your Journey

Growth comes through defeating a challenge. The real challenge is whether the challenge is self-imposed or driven externally.
Steve Jobs, whom most of us know for his work and passion of making Apple what it is today. Everyday he looked in the mirror and asked himself one question: “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to be doing what you’re doing?” Most of the time, his answer came back as a resounding yes, but for the average person, it probably varies. So passionate about his work, Jobs worked right up until the day before his death, despite suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Today I wish to challenge your thinking, your dreams and drive by asking you to start asking yourself questions each day to help you discover whether or not you’re fulfilling your full potential and working in the careers we love.

Here are 6 questions that Steve Jobs’s daily exercise can challenge us to ask ourselves:

1. Does your work make you smile?

Smiling at work reminds you that you’re doing something, however small, in your daily routine that you find fulfilling.

2. How tired do you feel at the end of the day?

Going to bed with the feeling that you’ve accomplished something means two things: that you’re using your talents in a way that you find fulfilling and that you’re contributing productively to the world around you.

3. Is your work rewarded?

Working in an environment where you feel valued not only contributes to your professional success, but helps you to avoid bringing bad vibes into your home and squandering your “downtime” with thoughts about overwork or office politics.

4. Do you have any regrets?

Sometimes you’ll succeed, sometimes you won’t, but it’s far better to try to fail than to spend your life wondering whether or not you would have succeeded.

5. Does your work consume your life?

Find ways to fill your life with variety to give yourself a reason to face each day with something to get excited about.

6. Do you feel stimulated?

Nothing compares with the satisfaction of setting yourself a task and completing it.

“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?” – Steve Jobs

Day #230: Lets Face It…You Need To Face Your Fears

We all have fears, there is no doubt about it. It really just comes down to how we manage and handle these fears…

People are confident; some are too confident, some are confident enough, while others are lacking.

The Answer?

Face your Fears

The process is straightforward.

  1. Find the area in which you lack confidence.
  2. Force yourself to repeat this act again and again until the nerves subside and you begin to relax.

So if you lack confidence when talking to people you find attractive then make as many approaches as possible.

If you lack confidence speaking in front of an audience then sign yourself up for a speaking group and get practicing every week.

And if you lack confidence in your creative work (writing, painting, making music etc) then put it in front of other people and let them give you their feedback.

Do the thing you fear again and again until you fear it no more. 

The good news is that this really works.

The bad news is that you’re going to have to DO some work.

Throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood, you’ll attempt certain activities and receive an emotional evaluation on how you did. If the response you receive is ridicule, rejection or failure, the unpleasant feelings you experience, depending on their severity, will warn you away from partaking in that activity again.

Frequency makes all the difference and the more often you face your fears, the weaker the negative response will be.

This all applies the same for your dreams and goals. You keep pushing, you keep giving it a go and as you keep failing and trying again, you will succeed.

So today when you first don’t succeed, today when you don’t feel confident. Do it again. Learn, adapt and grow.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. – Thomas A. Edison

Day #229: Might You Consider Making Your Passion Your Work?

It’s all about PASSION.
Struggling to rise and shine? Struggling to jump out of bed? I think you have a bad case of not enjoying what is you do.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that sometimes a sleep in is much-needed. After a long week, a long day, sleep is important for recovery. But as soon as you find yourself awake and you are fighting between 5 more minutes or getting up and facing the day ahead – I think you need to ask your self the question…

Might you consider making your passion your work?

Nicolas Cole started his love and his passion back when he was 15. Back then he loved to play video games – so much he gave up every other pursuit in his life, including his skills in hockey, so that he could play more video games. 

Now to the contrary, his father who is a renowned spine surgeon and his mother an active performer and teacher, both placed a heavy emphasis on grades and a strong work ethic. While at the same time they also encouraged doing what he loved and following his passions.

They said – it was a better quality of life being a poor, happy artist, than being a rich and unhappy businessman.

Being naturally creative, Nicholas said he had made his decision stating he will be a professional gamer. 

In response he was told that his passions… “they should be, you know, something respectable.  Like music!  Like performing!  Video games aren’t a passion.”

Obviously he disagreed and he stuck with his heart, even when there were attempts from both his parents to derail him from his ambitions of becoming a professional gamer. 

By the time he was 17 (2 years later) he was one of the highest ranked players of an online game in North America and he also had a blog of 10,000+ daily readers. He was being paid to write. He made more money writing about video games than a dead-end job at the ice cream parlor down the street his parents forced him to get so that he would “learn life lessons.” 

The key message here was he was happy. He took the core of what his parents had taught him, doing what he loved and to be the best at what he did and he applied this to something he loved doing everyday of his life. 

You want to become successful, you want to make money, you know you’re smart and you know you are capable, but the work you’re doing isn’t make you happy.  So who are you doing it for? 

If you can’t get yourself to do the work, that means you aren’t doing what you love. – Nicholas Cole

You’re doing what someone else loves.  You’re following their dream.  You’re trying to be someone you’re not, and you know it.  Deep down, you know it.  Because when you’re doing what you love, you can do it forever.  You forget to eat and poop, you’re so focused on it.  You stay up all night doing it.  You wake up excited to do it.  You can’t stop doing it because you can’t stop being YOU.  That’s what it’s like living in line with your passions.  And suddenly, it’s not work.  You’re just doing what you love.

Do what you love.  Do it relentlessly.  Do it with so much heart and excitement that people call you obsessed and try to tell you to stop. You’ll accomplish things you never knew you could accomplish. And you’ll be happier than you’ve ever been in your entire life, because you found success on your own terms.

As per Cole’s website (

Today – 

Nicolas Cole is a writer, musician, entrepreneur, and creative strategist.  His work has been published in TIME, Forbes, Fortune, Inc Magazine, Thought Catalog, Huffington Post, and Business Insider.  He is a Top Writer on Quora with over 3,500,000 million article views, and is the author of the eBook series “Skinny to Shredded.”  He has helped a variety of fitness coaches, professional bodybuilders, physique models, personal trainers, gyms, and health and fitness brands with their marketing strategies.  He is currently working on his debut memoir titled “Confessions of a Teenage Gamer,” detailing his years becoming one of the highest ranked World of Warcraft players in North America.  Cole is best known for writing about self development.

So go on. Get out there and be passionate about what it is you love to do and do it.

Day #228: 5 Simple Tips To Make Ones Life Better

Monday is back and this week my recommendation is to apply 5 simple tips/tricks to your week and trial them out and see how they make your life that little extra better.

  1. Rise Early – Early mornings are quiet, peaceful, productive, energizing and my favorite part of the day. Big breakfasts, clear thinking and early sunrise delight.
  2. Eat Right – The food that goes in, becomes the fuel in which we run off. Be wise with what goes in and be sure to include some protein in your breakfast, your mind will be sharper and clearer due to it.
  3. Exercise – People who exercise regularly report to be happier, calmer, and better equipped to handle whatever the day decides to throw at them. I have found that exercising clears my mind, refreshes my attitude and encourages me for more.
  4. Accomplish One Big Task – We all have projects, work, and requirements for our time – things that we need to accomplish. But to make the most of this day, choose one big thing on your list and do it first. If you finish, move on to the next.
  5. Do One Thing You Love – Apart from the day-to-day requirements of living life, you have dreams, goals, and hopes. You have hobbies that you love and activities that breathe life into who you are. Embrace these life-giving opportunities. And do one thing every day that you love.

“Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things.” – Booker T. Washington

Day #227: Inferiority Complex – Why You Should Punch It In The Face

Inferiority: the condition of being lower in status or quality than another or others.
Seeing other people’s success all around you and their ability to simply be better – can become a little overwhelming. But, you have to realize there is someone also better. There’s absolutely nothing you can do about that.

The only thing you have control over is how you can be your best given what you have and grow in a way that makes you a better you.

Everybody is suffering from an inferiority complex, everybody. Some will show it, some will know it, others will deny it and others will simply not even realism they have it. This whole world that you see around yourself is a proof of our sense of inferiority. Inferiority means, ‘I lack something’. Have you seen how desperate we are to gather, to collect? What all do we collect?

To name a few – good image, good salary.

Labeling people as superior is a stubborn generalization.. You might not be looking rightly, sharply at them. Can you give me a portrait of a man, you think of as superior. Can you sketch a man who appears superior to you? What kind of man would you think of as superior? Who has lots of money? Think of few people whom you take as superior. And tell me what is in them that you think of as their superiority. Why do you feel they are superior? What is it in them that appeal so much to you? What is it? Their looks, their success and what else?

You cannot draw success. There is no “way to look” of success.

The real question is: How well do you know these people?

If one of them says to you, “I suffer from a deep inferiority complex. Can you help me?”

You would most likely now all of a sudden feel like the superior one.

Let me remind you that we are all human. We all have emotions and feelings. The same feeling, that hurts you, hurts everybody. The situation may change, the comparison may change, but the feeling remains the same. Just because you see success, greatness and this idea of superiority in other people, doesn’t mean they are not struggling, learning and have issues of their own. Trust me, they have their own baggage.

You can’t judge a book by its cover – Unknown

By nature we thrive and strive to feel and be ‘just that better’.

Everybody is on the same boat, we feel as if we are specially disadvantaged. It is okay. They are victim of exactly the same game. The richest man in the world feels inferior. So there is no point at which you can get rid of this feeling. And if you have to get rid of it, you can get rid of it, right now. By not allowing it to mean much to you.

Day #226: Keep Moving Forward For A Greater Success

As long as you are moving forward, you have nothing to worry about. Trust me, I’m no swimmer. But I am persistent.

Persistent enough to constantly fight myself about the idea of being where I want to be.

I can see the end, I can see what I want and I know what I want, however I also see now, the present.

The problem is I don’t entirely see how I am going to get to where I want to go or I don’t always see the results coming through.

But what I do know, is if I continue to push, continue to step it up, to bounce back, to fight harder, I will get there… I will get there.


“Even if you fall on your face you’re still moving forward.” ~ Victor Kiam

This is true because if you’re afraid to fail you won’t make any progress and there is only progress or regress, there’s no standing still. You’re either moving forward or you’re moving backward. You always want to keep forward momentum, even if that involves falling on your face. You’ll learn from the experience and be able to apply that to future challenges, potentially avoiding future face-fallings. When you don’t attempt something for fear of falling on your face, you don’t move forward, and you end up shriveling into a version of yourself that is not as great as it could be.

I understand it can be  little scary to move forward with no real certainty of the end result…

When you are faced with uncertainty you should begin by taking:

 Taking a small (smart) step forward toward your goal. 

– Evaluate what you have learned from taking that step. 

– Build that learning into what you do next. 

– Take another small step and see what you learn.  

– Build that learning into what you do next. 

So go on, get out there and make it happen!

Day #225: 6 Ways You Can Keep Your Child-Like Ways

Children will always have a mind full of inspiration, dreams and excitement simply because it is easier for them to imagine and believe. They don’t know any better, so the idea of something which would seem impossible to an adult, comes across as just another question unanswered but with a sure explanation, and usually to them the answer or explanation is innocent and simple. Due to not knowing the limitation and obstacle an adult would; their idea would seem ridiculous to an adult, when really it can challenge our thinking. Kids have racing imaginations, that’s what makes their ideas so unique. They don’t imagine the reasons of why it wont work, but they imagine all the possibilities. 

So how can you remain childlike forever? Here are 6 ways you can:

1. Always Act Like a Child

Celebrate like a kid would. When you are happy, your whole face shows it. Smile whenever you get the chance or opportunity. Life is too short for worries, troubles, and fights. Children wake up each morning looking forward to the day and see opportunity in everything and seize the opportunity.

2. Don’t Let People Tell You “Be More Mature!”

If others tell you “grow up” or mature, don’t heed acting like your child-like self.  As always, do what your heart tells you. The heart forever remains child-like whether we choose to grow up or not. Just know when you are required to professional. But note, you can be professional and still have fun.

3. Hold On To Innocence

Always hold on to your innocence, no matter how selfish people may act around you. Innocence can have no price tag placed on it. It is something that is cherished and should be cherished more often. It is something that is so beautiful and pure that cannot be described in mere words. 

4. Laugh often

Laugh at every opportunity you can get. Life is too short for chances. So, make the most of them and use laughter as the best medicine to act like a child for the rest of your life. Seize every chance you get to laugh till your stomach hurts forever and ever. You will be thankful for laughter is the best medicine. (It also lengthens your life)!

5. Simplicity is key

Don’t get caught up in lies, false statements, and clever tricks. Be the person, simple, innocent, child you truly are. There is the old saying to keep it simple stupid. 

6. Stop over-thinking

When we over-think we needlessly stress out our minds and bodies. Over-thinking only leads to negativity and doubts. It does no one good. Kids never over-think. At times, they don’t even think when they should be thinking.

The great man is he who does not lose his child’s-heart.  ~Mencius, Book IV

Day #224: Follow Your Dreams, Not The World

Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Go now. Begin. Take action.

You have a chance to make it. A chance to finally step up and take up the baton.

You don’t need no permission, you don’t need no confirmation. You just need to know that you can get out there and start making your dreams a reality.

Perspective is everything when it comes to making things happen. People will support you, but they will also be a naysayer too. Remember though… if it was easy, everyone would be doing what you are doing – making your dreams a reality. Taking the idea of something normal and making into something more.

You will have good days and you will have bad days. Some days, you just need to keep swimming. Even if you are swimming against the currents, and it feels like you are not making progress, you are in fact moving forward.

Just keep swimming.”- Dory in Finding Nemo

You might not see it now, but you can feel it. You have the feeling and the longing and urge to have your product, your service, your business or your idea to change the world.  Fuel that urge as a motivation to not stop and to never give up.

“Find a truly original idea. It is the only way I will ever distinguish myself. It is the only way I will ever matter.” – John Nash in A Beautiful Mind

As noted above if you are solving real pain for real people, you have the chance to create something long and lasting and durable that will literally change how people live their lives. 

Be a game changer!