Day #023: Just How Far…

Running isn’t about how far you go but how far you’ve come. I’m always moving forward, looking for the next challenge.” — Bart Yasso

I think we can all agree that we can get so tied up and stuck thinking of what could have been, or where we might have been if we did things differently, that we forget to reflect and actually identify how far we have actually come.

Just take a moment and really think about this? Seriously! STOP what you are doing and just think how far you have come?

Think about all the things that are new in your life. Take a moment to look back over the last few years and identify 3 things for each year which has changed in your life or opened new doors. Think hard and see how many things you can identify to resemble just how far you have come.

In the last few years what have you conquered? Don’t try to find something over the top but keep it simple. Such as:

  • Completing University
  • Starting a new job
  • A promotion
  • Losing weight
  • Started running

What are some things in your life which you have completed? It could be as simple as finishing a 5km run. Identify these and think about what it took to actually complete these chapters in your life. Actually looking back and seeing the growth in the little things, actually reflect the greatness in side you. 

Where you go is all part of the journey of how far you’ve already come. Each day and each step is another chance and moment in your journey. Reflecting on the growth you have achieved, will enlighten you for the present and encourage you to keep growing as you progress forward. 

Day #022: The Best Being You

Have you ever asked yourself – how things could have been better if you had  done this, or that? Have you ever wondered how it always seems that the people around you are doing something more, or something better or stronger? It almost seems that for others, the grass always seems to be greener?

Most of you will be familiar with this – seeing friends growing up quickly, moving away, moving on to the next chapters in their life. Maybe you are still stuck at home, or on a slow path to success. Maybe you thought you would be further by now…

It’s easy to be different, but very difficult to be better. – Jonathan Ive

Well the matter of the fact is – no matter what you’re doing or think you’re doing, the people around you will always seem like they are heading a different direction or a better direction. This does not mean you are going the wrong way, it just means you are structured. Structured in your own way, in a way in which you are moving at the pace which is right for you. However, if everyone else is going another way, maybe this means you’re different, maybe it means you’re following your path. The path that will lead you to the best version of you.

Regardless – we can go more and more into this, but the real point is; you should always aspire to be better today than you were yesterday.

You don’t always get what you want.

And if you do get what you want it won’t be all at once.

What you can always get is a new experience, a new challenge or something that will push you more. You can get this everyday.

The real question is: Are you willing? Are you willing to go the extra mile for you?


Day #021: Set Your Expectations

Being hard on yourself to the point in which your strongest competition is yourself, will enable you to reach further, push harder and achieve more. Understanding expectations when responsibility is handed your way is crucial to this process as it sets the bar in which you need to deliver let alone go above and beyond.

Now, this has its flaws, but it also has pro’s. Let me explain…

Often people live life according to what other people think is best for them; their friends, their family, the media, or the society we live in. However, pleasing other people and living up to their expectations can leave you feeling like a failure, or at best stressed out.

Don’t try to keep up with everyone else’s expectations, set your own and achieve them. You only get one life – personalize it, and live it.

To improve your life doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Sometimes a few tips are all that you need to start living better. – Amy Johnson

With this all in mind, there are some other things you can do to help push yourself further, achieve further and be better than the day before. I wont go into too much detail, but feel free to add a comment and ask a question.

1. Understand that failure is important

2. Be good to your body

3. Keep exercising your mind

4. Put those fears aside

5. Remove the negative feelings – be positive

6. Live in the moment – make the most of it

7. Be kind to those around you

8. Be committed to yourself

So what will you do to help push yourself further? Do you have high expectations for others and not yourself? 

Day #020: Stars Make Me Dream

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao-tzu

Do you have a dream embedded deep inside your heart that you want to pursue? If you do, then I have one question for you. 

Have you taken the first step necessary to achieve it?

Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do when setting off to conquer a dream. Taking the first steps requires one to overcome mental obstacles, which in most cases will usually determine those who are serious about chasing and actualizing their dreams, or if they are simply just dreamers and only that.

Here are some DONT’s to help you solve the mental obstacles:

  • Don’t wait until the situation is perfect.
  • Don’t wait until other people agree with you.
  • Don’t wait until your skill is good.

Here are some DO’s to successfully take the first step:

  • Believe in your dream.
  • Visualize your dream.
  • Expect a hard way ahead.
  • Take one bite at a time.

#ASKYOURSELF: Are you struggling to identify how to get to your dream?

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and write your current problem or goal at the top of the paper in the form of a question.

The question should be as specific as possible. The more specific the question, the better the quality of the answers. A specific question allows your mind to focus clearly.

Instead of the general question “How can I improve my skills?”, write “What can I do to reach my dream by the next 5 years?”.

2. Think of 20 answers to this question. Force yourself to write down 20 different things you can think of doing, either now or in the future, that will help you reach your goal.

Some of the things you might come up with:

  • Complete a Degree
  • Improve XYZ skills
  • Start a blog
  • Write a more compelling posts
  • Develop a better headline for my ads
  • Cold call 5 potential investors
  • Work fewer hours

The first 5 answers will be easy, the second 5 will be harder and coming up with the last few answers may seem impossible. But don’t stop until you have created at least 20 different answers. If the ideas are flowing, keep writing them down until you can’t come up with any more.

3. Go back over the ideas and select at least one to be acted on immediately. 
This is absolutely critical to the success of this method. It is the willingness to take action on your ideas that will keep your creativity flowing. Great ideas will not help you unless you act on them!

4. This is an optional step that can help you progress even faster. Once you’ve selected the idea you want to act upon immediately, perform the 20-Idea method on that point, creating 20 ways you can take action and make that point happen. 


Day #019: You Are BEAUTIFUL!

Beauty shouldn’t be something we have to work for – it should be something easy to achieve. It’s actually quite simple really. You just need to be who you are and live a happy life.

Beauty should not be defined by one’s appearance, nor should it be defined by the way we lead or live our lives.

“Don’t change your body to get respect from society. Instead let’s change society to respect our bodies.” – Golda Poretsky

So how do you be who you are? How do you live a happy life?

  • Follow Your Passion, It Knows Where You Should Go
  • Help People
  • Explore, Play, Laugh, Enjoy
  • Move More, Stress Less
  • Set And Celebrate Milestones
  • Make Your Own Path
  • Define What Success Is For You And Chase It
  • Collect Memories And Experiences, Not Things
  • Be Your Own Hero
  • Believe In Yourself
  • Trust Your Instincts
  • Do What Is Important To You
  • Don’t Stop Learning
  • Be Thankful
  • Be Optimistic

True beauty is never about looks, it’s all about being a good person. What makes you beautiful is being kind, carefree and happy.

I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised to find you how beautiful you really are.

A small snippet from Brian Lee of Lifehack org, reminds us:

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. – Franz Kafka

Some days you wake up and right when you are going to begin your work, you feel a presence within you that stops you from doing so. You sit down, but you sit down quietly this time. Suddenly, that feeling where you once were so passionate and energized to take action just isn’t there anymore. You try to hype yourself up but it’s not working, and everything you do seems to be counterintuitive. You face the truth. You don’t want to work today and you don’t feel motivated to do anything but just escape. Without this motivation, you feel a little hopeless, lost, and stuck.

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut. If you’re not a hundred percent passionate about your work, then it’s impossible to wake up everyday feeling motivated when you wake up. You might compare it to the ocean. Sometimes you’ll wake up feeling like a tsunami, other time you’ll feel like just barely drifting to shore. When you feel like drifting to the shore, understand that it doesn’t always have to feel like there’s no hope. You can still feel inspired when there’s no motivation.

Day #018: I’m Going To Be Somebody

There is a common saying / cliché that when you grow up you want to be a something or someone. Well, the problem with that is, you already are a someone and a somebody and if you have a dream or an idea of what this someone should look like, you can start working on this today, you don’t have to wait until you grow up.
So get this in to your mind: YOU ARE ALREADY SOMEONE!
You are:
  • Someone who is more capable than the day before.
  • Someone who has the ability to make things happen.
  • Someone who is confident.
  • Someone who is happy.
  • Someone who can move mountains.
  • Someone who can inspire.
  • Someone who can encourage.
  • Someone who is worth it.

The list goes on and on…

But the REAL question is – do you believe it? If you don’t, or if you do… Here are some things you can do to help realize it and help keep it knowing it!

  • Keep Pushing Yourself
  • Stay Positive
  • Be True To Yourself
  • Cultivate Determination
  • Always Keep Growing
  • Never Stop Educating Yourself
  • Time Is Precious
  • Live In The Moment
  • Be The Best Version Of Yourself
  • Failures Are Steps To Success
  • Always Move Forward
  • There Are No Limits
  • Life Should Be Enjoyed
  • Reflect On Your Experiences
  • Be Proactive
  • Be Flexible
  • Change Starts In The Inside
  • Negativity Is Toxic
  • Live Your Life

Choose the positive. — You have choice — you are master of your attitude — choose the POSITIVE, the CONSTRUCTIVE. Optimism is a faith that leads to success. – Bruce Lee

Day #017: 100 Ways You Can Be Happy Today

Today I wish to remind you that everyday we have more than enough reasons to be happy. We can choose and decide to be happy, or we can decide not to be. It all comes down to attitude and sometimes this means being humble enough to ourselves and learning to embrace and adapt to situations rather than reacting without thought.  There are so many things we take for granted each and every day and if we actually took the time to understand these very things – we have may have been better off in the first place.

It doesn’t matter whether you influence millions of people or just one person in this world – your impact is still powerful, whether you realize it or not. – Chris Furlong

Below I have a list of 100 ways you can be happy right now:

1. Every new day is another chance to change your life.
2. This day is an opportunity to be better than yesterday.
3. You can be who you want to be right now.
4. The glass is both half-empty and half-full.
5. Happiness comes from your own actions.
6. You have great friends.
7. You can learn a new thing today.
8. The summer is coming soon.
9. You are alive.
10. You are already complete.
11. You are unique.
12. You have an influence on the world.
13. You can change the world.
14. You can feel emotions.
15. You can change your perceptions.
16. You have accomplished great things.
17. You can be creative.
18. You can change your state of mind by engaging in a physical activity.
19. You can take responsibility and be empowered.
20. There is only now.
21. To be upset over what you don’t have is to waste what you do have.
22. There is something good in every day.
23. You can eat something healthy today to make you feel good.
24. Life is beautiful.
25. We are in this life together.
26. Shared joy is a double joy, shared sorrow is half sorrow.
27. You can start writing down the good things that happen.
28. You can achieve something today.
29. The weather is good.
30. You can listen to music.
31. You can enjoy the sunrise.
32. You can enjoy the sunset.
33. You can book a ticket to far away.
34. You can start learning a new language.
35. You can try something new.
36. You can find the love of your life.
37. You can do a random act of kindness.
38. You can make peace with an old enemy.
39. You can get a thing you have wanted for a long time.
40. You can arrange a surprise party.
41. You can say something nice to someone today.
42. You can flatter yourself.
43. You can help other people.
44. You can enjoy your own time.
45. You can fix something.
46. You can create value to others.
47. You can get rid of a bad habit.
48. You are able to laugh.
49. You can make other people laugh.
50. You can laugh to yourself.
51. You can be yourself.
52. You can follow your own path.
53. You can love.
54. You can take a risk.
55. You can remember.
56. You can dream.
57. You are gifted.
58. You are able to change your beliefs.
59. You have a passion in life.
60. You have time.
61. The weekend is coming soon.
62. You are able to make choices.
63. You are in abundance.
64. You are lucky.
65. You are healthy.
66. You are a strong person.
67. You can look better today.
68. There are more good things in the world than bad things.
69. You have a purpose.
70. You have a home.
71. You can believe.
72. You can hear.
73. You can see.
74. You can taste.
75. You can smell.
76. You can feel touch.
77. You can feel pain.
78. You can say “thank you” to people.
79. You are living the best time of your life.
80. Your age is perfect.
81. You can cry.
82. You can dance.
83. You can get rid of your anger.
84. You can listen.
85. You can hug someone.
86. You can make a list of all the things you want to do in your life before you die.
87. You can get rid of jealousy.
88. You can send a gift to someone.
89. You can stop worrying today.
90. You have the possibility to make today the best day of your life.
91. You can accept the things you cannot change.
92. You can change the things that are possible to change.
93. You can tackle a dreaded task.
94. You can have a good conversation with a stranger.
95. You can play.
96. You can sleep long.
97. You can clear some clutter.
98. You can distract yourself.
99. You can get an inspiration.
100. You can share this list with all your friends. 

Day #016: Rule Your Mind or It Will Rule You

Self-discipline is the power to act on ideas. It is the ability to take things from thoughts and realize them through actions and tangible results.

This all comes down to the mind. To your mind. Self-discipline is often described as a muscle, something that becomes stronger the more you work with it. In essence, having self-discipline from a productivity point of view is having the ability and motivation to just do it.

Let me tell you the difference between self-discipline and a lack of control. If you have a goal to lose weight or get fit. In order to do this – this will require work. Hard work. In most cases it will require to re-invent just how your mind thinks and processes, how it tics and how it spins day in and day out.

When it comes to food. You can choose to ease out of something, but this is still letting you taste the very thing you are trying to let go of… meaning you are always tempting your self one step more… compared to if you go cold turkey and cut out the certain foods (not good for you foods) all together. This would be harder at first, but after conquering the crunch part, you will have increased your willpower, self-discipline by more than you could have ever thought.

When it comes to exercise – you can choose to argue with yourself and give or create excuses of why you can’t do it. Or you can get out there and just start. Getting out there, even if you are struggling, but by choosing to do something and with your best intention behind it, you have just beaten your mind. Essentially whipping your mind back in shape.

Remember! Progress over perfection!


  • Start small, Work up to it, but get our there and start.
  • Jump in cold turkey and pick a routine that works for you
  • Accountability from someone else or yourself (yourself? = self motivation)

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A Edison

Day #015: Dare To Dream!

Your goals? Are they progressing? Are they actualized? Have you even set your goals? Maybe you haven’t identified them as ‘goals’ per-say, however are you moving towards something more. Are you putting in action? Are you being and staying consistent? 
With this all in mind, there is another thing you should be considering… as there is so much more at stake than just achieving your goals this year. Your dreams are at stake. If you have never really dazed off into dreamland, I dare you to do it.
Humor me for a moment and imagine the possibilities. If there were no limits to what you could do or be, how would this look? Now take a moment to just dream of the things you want to aspire for. Not just the goals this year, but the years ahead. What do you want your life to look like? Are you going to stick with the same? With the old? Are you going to be part of something you don’t even enjoy?

Now take a moment to think of how these dreams can be transformed into a reality. How can you bring them to a actualized state of being something you love and breathe everyday.

If you don’t have a dream to work for than whose dream are you actually working towards? – Chris Furlong

The only thing required for a dream. Is a determined heart and action.

The best thing you can do is to follow your dreams, your passions and see where your heart takes you.

If you do what you love, you will always love what you do.

You may be thinking why or how are your dreams at stake?

Well put it this way. If you are not willing to put in the time now. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself by picking up the slack this year and really working on achieving your goals, or even for a better you.  How can you expect yourself to get to these dreams, how do you expect to bring about this dream life or lifestyle you wish to one day breathe?

If you’re not willing to do anything about it, or any sub set of it, you will stay static. You will stay put. It is that simple.

The characteristics, the skills and the motions you learn, develop and put into action from achieving short-term goals, are all going to play a HUGE part for the long run. So I think you should get out there, start kicking some of those short-term goals and get your head back in the game and on track. 

Identify something you are passion about, something which keeps you thinking and keeps you wondering in the middle of the night.

Once you know what it is. CHASE IT.

Day #014: Today Is Your Day!

Everyday is your day.

Each day is an opportunity to grow, learn and experience.

Some of us will fail;

Some of us will succeed.

Regardless, each day is your day to build upon.

Whether it be rain or sun, tough or easy.

Take confidence into the day and be the best you simply can!

You can make your day happier. It is a matter of choice.

It is your attitude that makes you feel happy or unhappy.

We meet various situations every day, and some of them may not contribute to happiness. However, we can choose to keep thinking about the unhappy events, and we can choose to refuse to think about them, and instead, think about and relish the happy moments.

If we let outer or external events influence our moods, we become slaves to society. We lose our freedom. We let our happiness be determined by an outer forces. On the other hand, we can free ourselves from outer influences. We can choose to be happy, and we can do a lot to add happiness to our lives.

Today is your day, so own it and make it what it can be.

Your attitude will define your day. So do me a favor and smile! You’re time is now!

“Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” – Groucho Marx