Day #040: Bring It On

This is it people.

This is your chance to take ownership.

To decide to make a difference. To decide that today is going to be better. To decide that this week is going to be better.

This is your chance to step it up. To step into a new mindset, a new goal, a new challenge.

You and everyone else has a chance to reset the clock and to do a new week fresh and new.

You have a chance to make it what it is.

You have a chance to be greater than the week before, to be a step closer in your journey to greatness.

Monday was yesterday, maybe it went smooth, maybe it didn’t. However today you still have the power to make this week better than ever. Forget yesterday as a whole, but take the foundation of it’s best and build from that. This should be the starting point for today. 

However I hope this week has kick-started with an attitude of delight. An attitude of optimism ready to take new opportunities and new ways to challenge who you are.

If you haven’t… Then listen in.

In order to continue into this week with an attitude of optimism, then there a number of things I always have checked and ready:

1. A Smile On My Face
2. A Positive Attitude
3. A Mission and Plan
4. Confidence – Even If You Lack It
5. A Bounce

What are these? Let me explain:

1. A Smile On My Face

The first and most important thing to any good morning and a good week is a smile.
You put that smile on and I can assure you instantly you will feel alive.
It just feels right. Try it. Try it now.

2. A Positive Attitude

What are you expecting today? What are you expecting this week?
What you expect is only going to reflect in your actions, your attitude and your tone.
I always come expecting the best, but prepared for the worst.

3. A Mission and Plan

Know what your game plan is each day.
What will be the challenges?
What will be the high points?
Have your to do list ready.

4. Confidence – Even If You Lack It

Walk in like you own the place. Pump your tunes.
Know who you are, what you’re doing and show it.
Even if you don’t think you are – well fake it. – Trust me, it works.

5. A Bounce

More Tunes = More Bounce
A Smile = More Bounce
A Positive Attitude = More Bounce
A Game Plan = More Bounce
Confidence = More Bounce
In essence; take these and own them. Make them yours.
How you do it is up to you. But bring these with you and bring them with a bounce.

Expect the best and be prepared for the worst. Own the day. – Chris Furlong

Regardless – I dare you take this week and make it a good one.

Day #039: Start Doing

If you have a plan, if you a goal or if you have a dream – then you need to do 3 things.

1. Do what is necessary to get results – work hard then play hard.

2. Do the possible and do it well.

3. Explore and conquer the unknown of ‘impossible’.

What else can be done to achieve your journey? What else can be done to influence and to support the above 3 things? Listed below are a number of key points across your life in which you can adopt to enable and assist you to move forward and to progress onward to your end game.

1. Let go of the past.

You won’t be able to continue your life and enjoy your days if you’re stuck in past memories and constantly reliving what has happened a long time ago.

2. Don’t take things too personally.

We tend to over-think every little detail of our days. We think life is unfair when something bad happens. We keep asking ”why” when someone leaves us. We fail and give up.

3. Choose less over more.

If you manage to make that a habit, you’ll live a simpler, freer, happier and more peaceful life.

4. Appreciate what you have.

Grateful people live great lives.

5. Stop worrying about the future.

By constantly thinking about what might happen, you miss out on the present moment, which is where life is happening.

6. Realize that you yourself are enough.

You don’t really need anyone to make you feel good and to start living. So stop waiting for them. That’s just another excuse that keeps you from dealing with things.

7. Always be on the lookout for something new.

You can truly live a life full of excitement if you choose to live outside your comfort zone every once in a while.

8. Choose kindness.

Be kind to everyone you meet. No matter how they treat you, you can always be polite, smile and offer help.

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – Francis of Assisi

In summary, these 8 points (read more to see) will  help you re-evaluate how and you will do achieving these 3:

1. Doing what is necessary to get results – work hard then play hard.

2. Doing  the possible and do it well.

3. Exploring and conquering the unknown of ‘impossible’.



Day #038: Great Or Good

As we grow in maturity, we begin to identify and reflect on how we have lived our lives.

We can begin to clearly see the bad, the good, the great and the many things we have done.

But when it comes to being good or being great – what would you choose?

John D. Rockefeller as summed it up well:

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

What this implies, is that we identify the good as something great, when really it is the tip of iceberg of what great really is.

Think of it this way – if you are responsible to deliver a piece of work would you want it to be ‘good’ or ‘great’?

I can tell you your boss will settle for the good depending on the circumstance, but he would much rather the great.

In my mind settling for the good is like saying, I am not going to step it up and go for great.

Compare this scenario through the different lenses of life and you will start to see how relevant this is…

  • Exercise:
    • Good: You have 10 mins to do a workout so you rush through, but still work up a sweat.
    • Great: You have 10 mins to do a workout so you continue to ensure you keep proper and a quality form. There will still be sweat.
  • Skills (through education/training):
    • Good: You have entry-level skills to enable you to do work.
    • Great: You have advanced level skills to enable you to exceed expectations and a more valued result.
  • Healthy Diet:
    • Good: You have cut back on the junk food and you are having more salads.
    • Great: (1 example) You have cut out the unnecessary, if not majority sugar, fats and processed additives across all your eating.

These are just some examples, but if you take the similar thinking and apply it to the rest of your life, you will be sure to see some changes.

You are good, you are also great. To be your best, you need to be more than good. – Chris Furlong

The choice is yours and so is the risk. But don’t be afraid to skip the good if it means you will have the great! It will be worth it each time.

Day #037: Positive Peer Pressure

A recent term thrown my way has been “positive peer pressure”.

Now in essence, peer pressure, this is something we have or will all experience.

Usually it makes us feel uncomfortable, and pushes us into being something we are not, or doing something we wouldn’t do.

With this in mind, the concept of positive peer pressure raises the point that, what if we could turn the negative view and idea that peer pressure presents, and create something that will influence and inspire others for the better. Further to this… What if I told you we already have this new concept of creating peer pressure into something positive and it is already in motion?

The answer?

You are the answer. You are the one that is creating positive peer pressure.

Well at least you should be.

Everyday we have a chance to set an attitude and a tone for the day. How we then leverage and display this can be simple and kept ourselves. Or, we can share our new-found glory and excitement for the day with others.

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody – Unknown

How can we share this excitement, this positive peer pressure with others? Here are 3 ways, that are quick and easy and will help you “peer pressure” others into happiness and a positive day.

1. Smile (give it a go now if you’re not already) 

SMILE.png (666×356)

2. Laughter (do it more)

Laugh.png (586×219)

3. Encouraging Others (Uplift – do you even?)

Encouraging, uplifting, affirming and helping others; whether it be through physical help, words of wisdom, or listening. When you take the time to uplift others, people react in new ways and will start to see new perspectives themselves. It is life changing!

So what are you doing to make a positive impact to somebody else’s life?

Day #036: Did You Know?

Did you know you, that you are more successful than you think?
You are doing better than you think. 
We go through so many periods in our lives where we feel we have nothing going for us. We feel we are just not good enough to take ourselves to the next level. It’s easy to criticize yourself in just about anything. From your competence in the workplace to how you deal with situations at home; and this can make it easy to become clouded to our own successes in life.

This kind of constant action and lack of clarity can make it easy to believe that you are a failure.

But if you are too busy changing the world, you never make time for yourself. You never make the time to step back and see the success you really are. Here are some signs to validate, that maybe you are successful – more than you know. I wont go in to full detail but these will open your eyes.

1. You aren’t controlled by your income.

You might not be able to afford a Rolex, but if you aren’t living from week-to-week you are a success.

2. You don’t seek praise.

 Being able to do your part without looking for praise is a strong sign of mental security.

3. You suffer less drama.

Look back even just a year in your life: are you finding that things are quieter? 

4. You have a plan.

Success is built on structure and having a long-term plan to get to where you want to be. 

5. You crave more.

Ambition and a desire for knowledge points to a determined individual who seeks to better themselves.

6. You are an early bird.

You know the old saying. The early bird catches the worm. When you find that you are jumping out of bed, ready to attack the day, you can probably point to a successful lifestyle and personality.

7. You are socially active.

If you are able to get involved in many different situations with a variety of social circles you can point to a healthy and harmonious life.

8. You offer mutual respect.

Success tends to come from your own experiences in life, including going through stresses and difficulties.  If you understand the value of treating others with respect, you already harness one of the most important aspects of success.

9. You wish to help others.

Again, your success in this world goes far beyond the cost of your car. If you are able to provide people with a solid base to work with, and act as a pillar of strength for colleagues, success is not too far off.

10. You are driven.

Anybody without an engine and a willingness to get through the hard times and the difficulties will struggle to succeed.

11. You possess confidence without arrogance.

If you can show some genuine humility for others, whilst inspiring those who are struggling, you are already a successful individual

12. You have fought back.

Being able to battle back from a position of failure to success–any success–is a sign of an iron-willed individual with the nous to succeed in life.

13. You strive to improve.

When you always look to improve on the previous performance, even if it was spectacular, you are setting yourself up to be a long-term success.

14. You have discipline.

Learning how not to make mistakes and how to make the right call is vital to being a long-term success.

15. You preach patience.

Patience is a virtue that the most successful people emit on a large-scale basis. Without patience, it can be hard to ever make the type of impact that you originally intended in any work or personal environment.

16. You can say no.

If you are able to say no then you have already avoided the need to please everyone. This is the sign of a successful individual.

17. You manage time well.

Time management is a sign of long-term success, and being able to use the time in any given day to be productive is the sign of a successful person. If you are capable of dealing with plenty of tasks in any given day? You are already a success.

18. You have successful friends.

Success around you is the easiest way to inspire yourself. If you find yourself surrounded by those who are also doing well it can be easier to actually improve and develop yourself in the right manner.

19. You don’t blame others.

You have reached a point in your life where you fully understand what it means to take ownership of your actions and not target others for your frustrations and failures. 

20. You don’t waste your time.

Your greater sense of direction empowers you to know what you want without needing other´s approval.

21. You are assertive.

Explaining your reasons in a clear manner is essential for others to understand that you are an individual with your own thoughts and needs. 

22. You stay positive.

By being positive and honest at pursuing your goals you will unleash the true achiever within you.

23. You take care of your health.

Quitting harmful activities that stop you from working towards the brighter future you have always dreamed is a powerful step. It will turn you into a stronger individual with greater drive and willpower.

24. You don’t seek a relationship to solve your personal issues.

It is not a good idea to avoid helping the other towards becoming a better person just because it is easier not doing it or because “things are just fine as they are”.

25. You are mature.

It’s always important to remind yourself that success isn’t something that can be judged so materially. If you are able to look at your lifestyle and understand that you do things in a mature, social and effective manner then you are already far more successful than any slap on the back will ever make you feel.

Success comes from acceptance of your own skills and abilities, not what somebody you might never have met before tells you. – Carlos Sabarich

***based on:

Day #035: Find & Do What You Love

If I had known what I know today, I wonder if I would be further on my journey?

I ask myself this everyday. I ask myself, what can I be doing to be a better me and so should you. 

We all have dreams to be ‘that better person’ and we probably spend more time thinking about it, then actually putting in the time to make it happen.

I am realizing more and more each day that we are more capable than we realize.

  • We are able to do more, if we just simply do.
  • We can reach further, if we stretch out.
  • We can grow quicker if we are willing to stand up.

With all this in mind, I think my biggest realization has been the importance of following passions, genuinely following your heart and being you for you.

We go through school with our end goals changing each year based on the results we achieve or the guidance of teachers. This is great and can open us up to some amazing opportunities, however… If you were tell them you were not going to go to Uni, and you were going to follow your dreams (whatever it may be), the reaction is usually to have a backup plan, to go to Uni or a have degree in place to get you into that classy job or where society wants you.

Please do not take this the wrong way. 

1. There is nothing wrong with Uni and following a directed and guided recommendation of where you can kick-start your journey into the world.
I went to Uni, I also have a degree and I also work at the worlds largest professional services firm in the world (in terms of revenue) and I love every ounce of it.

2. Following your dreams, your passions and your heart is and should purely be done at your own risk. As, if you literally only do these 3 things, then you may need to sacrifice, or rebel from the usual way society suggests to us. BUT – you can still follow your dreams, your passions and your heart without sacrificing everything. I do it.

I want you to take a moment and identify to yourself what are 3 Hobbies You Love?

Of these 3 which can do the following?

1. Make you money

2. Keep you in shape

3. Be creative

I will share mine – but I would love to hear yours!

1. Entrepreneur – this makes me money
Maybe not as much as I have dreamed, but it is a starting point. I have taken chances on a number of opportunities over the years:
– Small Business’s
– Innovative Ideas’s
– Side Hustles

2. Healthy Lifestyle (Sugar Free Diet and a Home Gym Junkie) – this keeps me in shape
In late 2013 I took a stand and decided to make a lifestyle change (the best ever) and I went Sugar Free (natural sugars accepted).
Since then I have lost 22.5 kg and dropped from a size XL to a S. I also now hit my home gym (body vs. gravity) 5 to 6 times a week. 
This also includes running, which I have recently hit over 560 km (2014), 600 km (2015) , 102 km (2016 so far) and reaching over 1200 km in total.

3. Blogging (Inspired to Motivate) – this keeps me creative
2014, I posted an encouraging & motivational picture with some inspiring words each day for the full 365 days. 
2015, i did it again. but this time it was hosted over at and shared accordingly.
2016 has been the launch of which a revised and upgraded version of the Project 365 series ran in 2015.

I originally started blogging back in 2009, which was composed of rants, vents, everyday wonders and random encounters of the big wide world.

Now I have a plan to do one thing only:

I want to innovate, be innovative and promote success through all that I do and to the people around me. I wish to spread happiness and express life through my actions. I plan to create opportunity through my visions, dreams and inspire those around me to aspire further in their own lives.

With this all in mind – these are the high levels of what I call my hobbies. I also have plenty of others and I also have other passions which are major parts of my life.

The point is…

  • You all have a chance at life once.
  • A chance to be you.
  • A chance to make a difference.
  • A chance to follow your dreams and your passions.
  • You have a chance to live a life full of wonder, a life full of joy and creativity.
  • You have a chance to know God and you have chance to wanderlust. 
  • Whatever it is you do and choose to do. Do it well. Do it with your heart and do it with love. 
  • Make each day, a day to remember.
  • Make each day a day worth living not for yourself – but for the people around you.
  • You are a representation of what you believe and what stand for.

What you show will determine what people think about you. So show yourself and show your heart. – Chris Furlong

If you enjoyed this blog – please share this. I would love to hear what you have to say, so feel free to leave a comment too.

Day #034: Don’t Give Up – Chase The Dream

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day. – Dale Partridge

Success isn’t going to pop out of no where. It is created. It is slow. It is composed of focus and ones ability to keep at it.

You will start small, with the biggest intentions, but soon enough you will have a biggest start with the biggest intentions.

Success moves in many shapes and sizes. Regardless, the journey to the pinnacle is no walk in the park. It will take time and lots of it.

Remember that choosing a growth mindset – that you can grow and develop yourself – makes a huge impact – Bruce Harpham

Think about the last time you attempted to learn a new skill. Did you see it as an opportunity to grow? If so, your growth mindset will help you to keep working longer and reach success. Recommended Read: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Here is a short video to remind us that – success will come as we pursue the happiness behind it. We cannot force something that isn’t there yet.


Day #033: Dream More. Doubt Less.

I choose dreams.

When it comes to seeking out our dreams and actually reaching our end game and actuating them, doubt has a tendency to overwhelm our minds and belittle our chances at creating our dreams into a reality. Doubt itself supersedes failure, as doubt limits your ability to even try in the first place… essentially failing to even start. At least with failure, you can bounce back with your lessons learned. 

Let me remind you that if we can bounce back from the many failures we have and will encounter, then we shouldn’t have a problem defeating doubt. 

But why does it always seem harder to defeat doubt then failure? 

The reason why is because there is a psychological component in which when we doubt, we actually believe it and that’s the reaction our brain takes… In other words, thinking becomes a substitute for doing. Meaning – when we actually go to do it, the brain has already made the decision that we cannot or we wont – so we lose any drive, motivation or focus on that particular action. So the doubt literally overwhelms our ability to step out and create or be something more than before. Funnily enough, doubt kills any belief in ourselves, but it is the doubt that make’s us believe we can’t achieve. 

Stop doubting your potential. Just start your dream and if you fail, you can always bounce back harder.

As you proceed to tread your path and kick your goals, obstacles will appear. The best thing about obstacles are they are designed to be conquered and to be overcome. As you learn to defeat more and more obstacles you will increase your:

  • Confidence
  • Skills
  • Maturity in wisdom.

You just need to make sure you don’t doubt your ability to actually do it, let alone attempt. 

Ask yourself: What are your dreams?  What are you doubting? What are you doing about both?
What you put in is what you get out. The limit you place over yourself will be the limitation holding you back. Break free, step out of the box and be limitless! Chase your dream and actualize a greater you!

Day #032: 26 Ways To Challenge Yourself This Year

I know we all have different perspectives on new year resolutions or the goals we set.  Regardless if you have gone all out or decided to skip this year; the below 26 (A-Z) challenges will give you a chance to grow, improve and be a better you. I present you the A to Z ways to cultivate genuine happiness into your life every day:

Accept yourself for who you are

 Until you accept yourself you will never cultivate genuine happiness. 

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself. You are capable of accomplishing amazing things. 

Compassion is a gift you should give

Think of it this way – if you were in the need of something, or even desperate for a need. How would you feel if someone gave compassion and support to you?

Dedicate yourself to something noble and worthy

Dedicate yourself to something noble and worthy. Integrity is a good one!

Elation should not be hidden

Don’t hold back in the joy you feel when you are surrounded by people you love. Demonstrate and enjoy the happiness as much as possible!

Forgive yourself and others

We all make mistakes. Forgive others & forgive yourself.

Gratitude should be expressed

Show gratitude to strangers or to anyone you feel is deserving of it. Most importantly, be grateful for you.

Hope should never be lost

When you feel like you are at the end of the tunnel – what hope are you looking at?

Involve yourself in your community

Be involved. Don’t isolate yourself. Share life and joy with those around you.

Joy is worth investing

Live with joy because you are alive. What a gift!

Kindness is always appreciated

Being kind to others is much more beneficial to you overall happiness than being unkind.

Love is powerful

There is no greater emotion than love. 

You can either be in a loving state or a non-loving state. Think about how each one feels. Which one would you prefer to experience?

Mindfulness is important

Be conscious and aware of who you are and what you are doing. Be conscious and aware of the people around you and the world you are living in.

Nurture the things you desire

 If you wish to handle negative situations in your life with more balance and dignity, than cultivate genuine happiness.

Optimism greatly helps

If you want to live a positive and happy life than you have to live optimistically. There is more to it than simply saying you are going to be optimistic.

Passion motivates the most

Be passionate in your life. Don’t wait for someone else or something else to ignite the flame of passion into your life. Go find it for yourself!

Quiet your mind from time to time

Spend time in quiet. Just like your physical body needs breaks from time to time, the mind needs breaks as well. Quiet the mind and just be.

Resilience will help you survive

How resilient are you? When the going gets tough do you falter or persevere? Life is wonderful but there are going to be plenty of instances where you experience adversity.

Selflessness is not only good for others but also good for yourself

Many people are so focused on themselves that they forget what life is about. Instead of being selfish, be selfless.

Tolerate instead of hate people who are different with you

Intolerance only leads to more intolerance. It doesn’t solve anything.

Unconditional love is the most precious thing

When you love, love unconditionally. When you serve others, serve unconditionally. Unconditionally means without any strings attached.

Values should be sought in lives

Live a purposeful life. Seek meaning in what you are doing. Look for the good in people, even those people who you believe lack value.

Well-being is your top priority

You desire to live a life full of well-being. Well-being is a constant state of happiness and contentment.

Xenial people would be happier

Xenial means to be hospitable and giving especially to strangers and people whom you don’t know. Hold the door for strangers.
Let other drivers in front of you during high traffic times. Give someone hand carrying their groceries.

These are all examples of being xenial. Carrying out acts of kindness to people you don’t know will strengthen your positive outlook on life. Is there a greater feeling than helping someone who is need?

Yes for opportunities and possibilities

Do you consistently say decline invitations even when you are free and have no prior engagements? Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. 
If possible, say yes the next time you are invited out with friends or coworkers. It might change your life.

Zeal will make your life an unforgettable one

Live your life full of zeal. Be excited and energetic. Be genuinely happy!


Being happy can be as easy as learning the alphabet if you practice, practice, practice.

Do you agree with the A to Z? Are these going to help challenge you? If you think one of a number of these have inspired you – share this blog with others. Be sure you have subscribed, to our daily mail, to ensure you have these posts sent to you daily.