Day #084: Just Keep Swimming

I’m no swimmer but I am persistent. I’m constantly fighting myself about the idea of being where I want to be. I can see the end, I can see what I want and I know what I want. However, I also see the present and I don’t entirely see how I am going to get to where I want to go or I don’t always see the results coming through. But what I do know, is if I continue to push, continue to step it up, to bounce back, to fight harder, I will get there. I will get there.

No matter what comes my way, I need to adjust, I need to embrace and I need to conquer any hindrance. If I fail, I shall try again.

Regardless – I will learn and pivot and go after my goals with a new perspective!


Everyday I am trying to improve and challenge myself to be better at what I do and who I am while at the same time grow into the success I want to be.

In order to do this, it requires me to step it up, and step out of comfort zones and sometimes take a leap.

Being willing to stretch that little more and to take someones confidence in you will inspire you and remind you of just how capable you are.

 I’m doing this in small doses in order to conquer fear; but I must say, it is working.

Rather than making the excuse, why not give it a try – to see what you can do… you may even surprise yourself.

My challenge to you today is to challenge your fears, be willing to grow and just see what you are really capable of!

 “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.” — Maya Angelou

And whenever something gets in the way, hinders you and creates a set back. No matter what…


Day #083: React To Life

Life is broken down depending on how you react. We all make mistakes in life and there is no point giving yourself the guilt trip about it. All the guilt in the world cannot change it, however what you can do is reclaim your confidence moving forward by applying yourself into forgiveness, work to rebuild, and work to make a difference! 

Today is a new day and so is tomorrow.

Don’t go into either of these stressed!

 “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.” — Maya Angelou

Worrying won’t make it easier or better, it won’t change a thing. All it will do is scare you, bring fear and lower your confidence.

Utilize this into a fuel towards making yourself better, prepping yourself, working harder, growing and to be willing to step out of comfort zone!

Embrace these opportunities of creating negatives into positive outcomes. It ain’t easy, but the hard effort will reap the rewards of self growth and returns for the future!

Rethink your thoughts today!

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. – Charles Swindoll

How will you react to your life?

Day #082: Knock Knock It’s Opportunity

Today – the day in which if opportunity doesn’t knock, you should build a door. This week, actually any week for the mater is a week controlled and is set by you and your attitude each and every Monday. I love Monday’s and so should you. It is the day in which I believe will make you or break you for the 6 days to follow.

But Monday has passed. Today is Tuesday.

So why not make the best of each day. Yesterday, (Monday) I like to call it Massive Monday.  What I mean by massive is; make them loud, make them fun and make them the way they should be. Be productive, be happy, be joyful, have a positive attitude and determination to push forward.

BUT, every other day should be like this too. Just as important as Monday. As yes Monday may set the tone for the week, but you can then make a difference each day of the week remaining. Each day is an opportunity once again.

“Even when opportunity knocks, a man still has to get up off his seat and open the door.” Anonymous

Monday resembles a new leaf we can turn. Especially on the topic of chasing dreams and goals – Monday is like a reset button.

But in the same essence, so is Tuesday and everyday to follow. We get a chance to do it all again, wiping away whatever was said or done yesterday or last week. This time we can do it again but this time bigger, stronger and more ready than ever.

Unfortunately society likes to make out Monday to be the worst day of the week.. this is usually due to what happened the prior week or the weekend. We tend to stereotype Monday as the reason why we don’t want to work. But maybe Monday isn’t the issue at all.

Maybe the problem is ourselves, I mean yes we have ALL have different experiences, and perspectives but…

If you’re really struggling with Monday, to wake up, get up and head off to what you do.. then Monday isn’t the problem. You are probably feeling this same drain throughout the week…

It is what you are doing that is the problem.

I don’t know how many times I have reminded you… that you should be doing what you love.

Find that passion, that drive and follow it as long as you can.

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. – Marc Anthony

I think once you have your daily do’s in order, Monday, Tuesday or whatever day… will be a new day and this time – it will be a day you will love.

Day #081: No Zero Day’s

For too long I see and hear people wanting ‘this’ and aspiring for ‘that’ and expecting it to ‘all’ just happen one day.

I have news for you! 

These things are not going to fall into your lap. They wont just happen – even if an opportunity comes your way which could ignite these things to happen…


For too long I hear people complaining, listing out and making excuses of why they cannot do something or be something.


What’s that? You want to do something out of the box, something you are passionate about? You want to make a difference?

Have you ever tried listing out the things you can do, your strengths, your hobbies, your skills?

For too long… people’s bad attitude have been the reason for a bad result…

I mean if you are going to have a BAD ATTITUDE, how can you expect anything good to come out of what you do?

Am I being blunt? Well if you want something to happen – reality requires you to actually do something about it.

I want you to challenge yourself. 

Whatever it is that you want to do, or be or change – here is what to do…

Welcome to NO ZERO DAYS:

“A zero day is the day when you don’t do a single thing towards your goal.” – Be Limitless

Regardless of what your goal is this is how it works. Each day you do 1 thing (at least) which is related to your goal. One thing closer. 


  • Maybe you missed your GYM routine due to a long night at work? = Do 1 push up. / Do 1 something – before going to bed.
  • Didn’t get to read my book today = Read one page / Read one sentence
  • Didn’t write in my journal today = Write one sentence / Write one word to define the day

You get the idea.

If you want to change it up you can go ULTIMATE and do a 365 Challenge picking one thing and do it everyday. 100% commitment.

Are you up for it?

Day #080: A Glimpse. Look and Find

Take a moment today to envision yourself at the end of your goal. Take a glimpse at what you are working towards.

How did your glimpse look? Describe it:

  • What is it you are doing?
  • What can you do?
  • What is new?
  • How do you feel?

Think about the achievements you potentially received.

Visualize these and then apply them as bouncing boards to inspire you to greater things.

A small task you can do to facilitate with your journey to your goal, is to write down the goals or the dream you have then work backwards.

List all the things that would have needed to happen in order for you to get there.

Of course your wont know everything, but an outlined or high level guide will go a long way. But where you can add detail, do so.

See what you can check off in that list, or see what you can actually take action on already, and plan to do so!

“The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and have the faith that it is possible.” – Richard M. DeVos

Must I remind you that the comfort zone is a place to learn. Based on what you know and can do.

However the bubble will soon enough become normal.

In order to grow and challenge yourself, you need to look past the bubble. Don’t just think of goals within this bubble think of something greater.

Think deeper and harder of what and where you want your comfort zone to be. 

Don’t be limited by your comfort zone. – Chris Furlong

If you continue to restrict your goals and dreams to what you are comfortable with, you will always be limited.

Your comfort zone has taken you this long to develop and create – why would you want to stay there, when you can expand this even more.

The bigger the bubble the bigger the splash.

I guess what you want to ask yourself is: 

How big of a splash do you want to make?

If you are struggling to:

  • envision your dreams and goals
  • create a list working backwards from your dreams and goals
  • having trouble locking down a passion, dream or goal

We would love to help and work with you and support you in working closer to achieve these goals, identifying the dreams or even expanding that comfort zone.

Don’t waste another day – take action today with or without us. 

Day #079: Extraordinary Lessons

We’ve all been there: you’ve gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, or you’d have preferred not to get up at all. The day just seems to drag on and making it through a difficult day is often a matter of willpower. What is willpower, though, and how can you improve it?

Willpower is, for our purposes, a combination of forward-thinking, positivity and a mindfulness of the future.It’s an understanding that problems are transitory, and maintaining the right attitude is essential. – Ali Lawrence

Willpower also requires a strong yet determined attitude. If you have already given up by thinking you cannot do it. How will you ever expect to stretch yourself, if you can’t even stretch your mind, or believe it without seeing it.

Have a little faith in yourself!

Having a purpose within your life will bring you happiness, motivation, and direction!.

Not 100% what is your passion to pursue?

Think about these 6 Prompts:

  1. Think About What You Loved To Do As A Child
  2. Take Notice Of How You Spend Your Free Time
  3. Don’t Think There Is Only One Life Purpose For You
  4. Ask Your Friends For Advice
  5. Start A List And Get Busy
  6. Know That You Are Already Living A Form Of Your Life Purpose

3 Willpower Wonders:

  1. Take Actions Towards Your Dreams And Never Give Up
  2. Dare To Dream Big And Be Extraordinary
  3. Taking Action Regardless – Plot Your Progress Toward Your Goals

Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile. – Brian Tracy

Day #078: The Best Is Yet To Come

You are in control of your life, your ambitions, your goals and most of all your attitude. Every morning as a I commute to work, I am constantly reminded that regardless if the day is looking half-empty or half full…I need to take action and make sure I am pouring the water. I need to make sure I am being the best I can be. But less about me and more about you!



You can wait around for things to happen, you can wait around expecting the cup to one day overflow.

BUT, if you decide to start pouring for yourself and filling the cup yourself, things will start to flow.

You as you grow, you as you develop and you as you impact the world around you will soon enough be a cup overflowing.

But if you don’t start from a cup half empty, how will you ever get to a cup half full?

As you keep pouring THE BEST WILL COME!

Doesn’t matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you are the one pouring the water – Mark Cuban

Here are 4 Steps to take to kick-start your next journey:

  1. Attitude Check: Get this right from the start and you will have a head start.
    Having your head in the game and your mind in the right place will enable you to be on the ball.
    This will also give you enough fuel to keep yourself motivated.
  2. Just Start – Just Do It: Once you have that dream/goal/plan or journey locked in – now it is time to start. Take action!
  3. Challenge Yourself: Starting is one thing, but really getting your hands dirty is what is important.
    Start with a public statement or a self declaration to commit and deliver something on a regular basis.
    Challenge yourself to do something daily for the next 365 days. This will GROW you!
  4. Be Confident: If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect others to? Stand tall and believe in you and what you can do.

So what you going to do?

Don’t wait another day. Take action today and see tomorrow rise to a new level. Be the best you can be.

Day #077: The Sweet Spot

“The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun” – Benedict Cumberbatch.

You know that nervous feeling you get just before you’re about to do something new, before you take a chance? That my friend is you stepping out of your comfort zone. Whether it be closer to your goals or not, this is growing you. The key to this is capturing the moment, identifying how you go in this moment of stretching. It’s about finding that sweet spot of growth.

If you can capture and evaluate this, well next time, you can have amended any lessons learned and come out on top even more. But to bring it back to the whole nervous situation and really breaking free of your comfort zone bubble. You should be trying to do this each and every day in some way, if possible. (it is)

Maybe it is a daily challenge, maybe it is as simple as talking to someone new, or maybe just working that extra harder.

The fact is – if you want to take hold of those dreams and bring them into being, it is time to get nervous. It is time to stretch.

Being nervous and excited at the same time is the SWEET SPOT. It means you’re excited for something new, but also a little scared.

If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You, They Aren’t Big Enough! – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

So my challenge for you today is to identify what makes your sweet spot? What gets your nervous and excited at the same time?

This might be more than one thing – but find it, write it down and take action.

Trust me. It is worth it.

Day #076: Stepping Up

Stepping up and into the shoes of the person we have dreamed of being – starts from within. – Chris Furlong

If you can’t learn to trust, love and care for yourself, then how can you expect to become the greatest you are.

Firstly, you need to remember, there is nothing wrong with you.

You are you for a reason and for a purpose.

Take a quick walk down memory lane, back to your childhood. Think back to the happy moments, when time didn’t seem to be bound by the busy world we live in.

Time was just you and your imagination and a life full of adventure. Think back to your original aspirations and dreams of who and what you wanted to be and do when you grew up? Did you use to look at who you wanted to be? But did you ever start sculpting yourself into that person. It is never too late to chase this dream. 

This thinking applies to every one of all ages. It’s about self-improvement and commitment in the face of an awesome, almost daunting goal. And yes, many people will fail. But it’s hardly by chance.

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” – Michelangelo

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are you doing or chasing that dream today?
  2. If you are not doing or chasing the dream, what do you need to do to start?
  3. Is that childhood dream still the same passion today?
  4. If your dream has changed, then what is it?

The bigger questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Are you sculpting and creating yourself into that future aspiration?
  2. Are you encouraging yourself, pushing yourself and striving for the next taste of success?

Find what it is you love, find what it is you are good at and find what it is that you would want to do everyday.

Don’t let life kick you into the adult you don’t want to become – Chris Hadfield

Day #075: Surprise Yourself

You should encourage yourself to take some challenges, to step out of your comfort zones and tap into the courage you have hidden inside you. It is time to surprise yourself.

In doing so, you will learn that courage isn’t about being a hero or necessarily changing the world. It is about identifying that we are precious, we are important, that we have emotions and we have feelings and these both matter.

What this courage really is… is taking the step to identifying and acknowledging that we need to work on these things and it’s OK to ask for help.

Whether it be from the big man upstairs or a family member or a friend.

So I challenge you to take a moment today and identify where you are lacking.

Be vulnerable and have a chat with someone. It’s OK to ask for help!

Not sure how to challenge yourself? Try one of these beauties:

  • Call someone instead of texting them.
  • Wake up early and go for a run/jog/walk.
  • Volunteer for a work assignment you’re not totally sure you can do.
  • Take a class at the gym by yourself.
  • Ask for help when you need it.
  • Get lunch with a colleague you don’t know.
  • Be honest with someone close to you.
  • Get comfortable with your own silence.
  • Do something kind for someone you don’t know.
  • Apologize…
  • Make a to-do list for your future self.
  • Walk or bike to work instead of taking your usual route.
  • Make plans to meet your friends after work and catch up – even if you’ve been avoiding making plans for weeks.
  • Write down the things you want to change about yourself.
  • Let go of the anger, regret, tension and resentment that’s holding you back.

To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist. – Gail Sheehy