Day #064: Embrace It or Believe It

Every day we make mistakes and we will continue to do so each and every day.

Mistakes are made to occur, and they are the small reminders that we are human and that we will never be perfect.

Today I would like to remind you that when we do make mistakes we have one of two options.

Embrace it or believe it.

Unfortunately, we can become so stuck on believing that our mistakes & troubles are who we are and what we will always be. That we end up losing any sense of who we really are and sometimes even give up.

Living a life of what could have been, or dwelling over the what ifs is only going to diminish and lower your dreams, expectations and any will to push on.

Failing and knowing you can come back is always going to give you an advantage.

Embracing the failure, understanding the key messages and really analyzing what went wrong, can help you pick up and try again. But this time better than ever!

Regardless – failure is a crucial key to success. Why? How?

Below are 8 valid reasons of why failure is the key to success.

  1. It will define your character
  2. Failure, will force you to forge your own path
  3. Opportunity to develop talent and/or skills deeper and greater
  4. It will help you discover what you really want
  5. It will boost your creativity
  6. It will teach you who your real friends are
  7. Will reveal to you the true meaning all success

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” – JK Rowling.

The trick is not to avoid failure because you are afraid of what people will say, but instead to allow failure to help you to navigate towards your goals and dreams.

So get out there and prepare yourself that failure might come. But when it does, you can be ready to take it on.  

Also remember – You need to put your past behind you. If you have failed before, it is time to move on.

Take the same idea here and apply. Identify what has gone wrong, and now prepare yourself for a reboot.

This time you will do even better – you know it and I know it. 

So get out there and make your dreams reality. 

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #063: Attitudes Are Contagious

There is no point giving into a bad attitude as all this will do is give you a negative swing and view on everything you do.

A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don’t change it, you’ll never go anywhere. – Unknown

As said by John N. Mitchell, Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.”  

Attitude has the power to determine just how much we succeed in life. But more so each day.

Each day we have the ability to formulate, control and regulate just what temperature we can set out mood.

Regardless of the day before, if you want to smile you can. But you can also be stubborn enough to yourself and hide this smile.

If you struggle with setting your mood right, or your attitude for the day, then the below techniques may just be right for you:

  1. Start the morning listing the things you are grateful for.
  2. Love life, not the stuff.
  3. Be patient.
  4. Believe and have faith in yourself.
  5. Work smarter, not harder.
  6. There is no such thing as failure – unless you choose to give up.

You can adjust your attitude at any point in time. Now this isn’t easy but it will pay off.

Your attitude will impact your perspective, what you notice, and what you fail to notice.

Change your attitude – shift your reality.

The quality of your life itself is what will bring you the most happiness, not the quantity or quality of your stuff. – Unknown

I challenge you today to take an attitude check. Identify what your view is of the day. If you are worried, stressed or unmotivated…

Try and identify the root of this. Is it work, is it relationships, is it something more or something less?

Find this – so you can work on the problem, rather than fighting it with a jumpy attitude.

However if your attitude is bouncy, happy and bubbly – keep it this way and make sure others catch on.

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #062: Aim To Achieve

We all have days where we just don’t feel like we have the energy, the motivation or the push to go on.

Every task becomes a burden, you’re tired and all you want to do is binge watch the latest episodes of your favorite TV Show.

I have these days all the time, however this doesn’t mean I give into them.

These are the days in which I embrace the challenge, I fight my mind and work to become better than myself.

If we allow our moods to dictate our actions – soon enough we will be procrastinating, distracted, lacking any sense of exercise, struggling to eat healthy and who knows what other bad habits.

Today is your day to take ownership.

When it comes to the time that we need to take action – how about when you get the feeling of “I don’t feel like it”, try saying one of these instead:

  1. I made a plan and set a goal, I gotta do it.
  2. Past Me said I should do it, and Future Me will thank me, so let’s do it!
  3. Once I start, I’ll be glad I did. All I have to do is take the first small step to start.
  4. I don’t need to decide on this, or think about it. It’s already decided.
  5. I am doing this for others, to set an example for others, to make the world better. Aspire to Inspire.
  6. It’s time, let’s get to work like a pro.

“We aim above the mark to hit the mark.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you are struggling to start something… a new routine, exercise, working on your passion, or whatever it may be. Just do something.

Just get started and begin actually doing it.

Don’t worry about whether you’ll do it for 10 minutes or an hour. Don’t worry about how good you’ll be at it, or what people will think of it, or whether you’ll succeed or not. Those are not relevant to the task. Just do it. Put your mind completely in the activity.

You can only get better as you keep at it.

I challenge you to do this for a week straight. Do something, for X amount of time regardless if you are good at it or not. Track the results and just see how you go.

You will be surprised by the results you find just how capable you really are.

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #061: Challenge. Conquer. Own

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ― Carl Bard.

The most important day of the week is here.


Everyday is your most important day. As each evening peaks, I know it is common for a lot of us to get worked up and become anxiously nervous, discontent or grumpy with the thought of tomorrow being another hard day.

Now when it comes to this – my blunt reaction is: “You signed up for this, so if it isn’t working, find something that does.”

Meaning; if you’re that worried, annoyed, frustrated and discontent by what is to occur tomorrow, then clearly you are not doing something you enjoy, or where you want to be.

Now – just because it may be hard, doesn’t mean it isn’t right for you.

Seriously! If you are waking up each morning fighting and trying to find reasons not to be doing whatever it is you do…or maybe you are feeling the burden before even getting out of bed…then you need to change something.

However, if the task is hard and is growing you and is challenging this is still good for you. But if you are seriously not loving what you do. I think you should be working towards or literally doing what you love.

Whatever your passion is – make that the rest of your life. Find what makes you tick and keep it ticking! – Chris Furlong

Regardless – here are some quick points you can use to help MOTIVATE your day(s).


Challenge Today. Conquer Today. Own Today.

Make the most of Today – Start a fresh day and choose to make a better ending than yesterday.

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #060: A Pat On The Back

Give yourself a pat on the back today as we have now reached Day 60 of 2016 and boy oh boy has it been a thrill already.

I don’t know about you, but so far this year I have been able to grow more and more each day. Not only in one aspect of my life but across multiple areas in my life and I just can’t wait to see what the year still has in store.

Less about me more about you.

For those who have taken on the same trek as myself, to aspire to push further and make this year the year it can be.

Day 60 is a crucial day as we have now officially completed 2 months. By tomorrow you will be kicking off March. 

Time flies when you’re having fun.

Today I want you to reflect back on the last 60 days and highlight 10 Key things you have achieved, developed or stretched in your life.

Before you start though, I challenge you to write these down on paper.

Applying the mind to paper technique will always present better results, as it activates your brain power in a different way than it would via technology.

Don’t get me wrong, the devices themselves are beauties and should always be utilized at their max capacity. This is simply a challenged suggestion.

See below – I have written my 10 Key points from the past 60 days in which I have grown in. (you should do it on paper)

These are in no particular order.

As you can see I have not elaborated on these here. I would recommend you do or jot down a few extra dot points for these (extra details).

  1. Confidence
  2. Willpower
  3. Mental Capacity
  4. New & Known Skills
  5. Exercise
  6. Healthy Living
  7. Advocacy
  8. Writing & Blogging
  9. Self-worth
  10. Faith

From these 10 Key points, I want you to think about how the next 30, 60 and even 90 days are going to look.

How will you continue and how you will leverage these days into creating and aspiring further.

But the main note I want to get across today is:

Remember we are only 60 day’s in. If you’re not seeing results, its OK.

The whole point of writing down 10 Key points, was to help you see that you have made progress.


  • Practice makes perfect
  • Progress over perfection
  • These things take time
  • Maybe you haven’t realized (ask someone for feedback) – different perspective
  • Keep going – it will soon click
  • Ask for help and support (I would love to encourage you more)

Stop beating yourself up. You are a work in progress; Which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once. – Unknown

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #059: The Happy Way

People sometimes assume that beautiful people must be happy when in reality being happy lets your true beauty shine through.

Happiness is not necessarily getting everything you want. 

“It’s enjoying the little things in life—whether that’s starting to eat healthy or just waking up a little earlier to enjoy more of your day.” —Jane Ko, editor of A Taste of Koko

The point is – we all have a decision to make when it comes to being happy.

You can wake up and choose to have a happy day or you can choose to submit to the everyday drag in which society tells you to live.

You see, if you choose to see the small things, the beautiful things and the things that inspire. Then you will always be happy and even successful.

Taking a positive approach will inspire others to embrace the very same enthusiasm.

Below are 10 ways you can get yourself to a mental state of happiness:

1. Inhale, exhale, repeat.
Breathe. Take a moment and just relax. Let the air flow in and out.
Embrace and really notice the air you breathe. Take note as life is full of it.

2. Chat yourself up.
Challenge yourself, encourage yourself, push yourself.
I’m not saying walk around talking to yourself, but rather spur yourself on.

3. Say thanks.
Be polite, thank people, make them feel welcome and happy.
By sharing the love, the care and manners – happiness is created.

4. Become fluent in body language.
Understanding and identifying just how body language works, can tell a better story than words.
Identifying how people are reacting, especially in a positive way, will only encourage your happiness.

5. Pursue (physical and mental) fitness.
Exercise is a key of making you feel better than ever.
Running for instance will grow your mental capacity and will power as well as your fitness.
Once you complete, achieve or do more than you have before. You will be inspired and encouraged.

6. Eat smart.
Eating healthy is another key to being happy. 
As much as binge eating, sweets and sugary goods make you feel nice…
Overcoming this and having a fresh, healthy and clean eating lifestyle will reflect:
– Positive Attitude
– Happiness
– Bounce

7. Get adequate shuteye.
In a busy world, adequate sleep can be hard. But your body requires it and if you adequately suffice your body with it,
Then your body will be react efficiently, effectively and readily. You will have a buzz.

8. Spread joy
Sharing your bounce, your buzz or even a smile, will create happiness.
Your attitude will trickle on to others – so make sure it is spreading joy.
As you encourage others, their enticed happiness will spur on your own.

9. Embrace Opportunity
Everyday is a new chance to change your life, embrace something new and discover more.
Being able to grow more, aspire further, share joy and open and close doors, really entices ones’ excitement.
Embracing the above and the challenges, with an optimistic attitude will soon enough bring you happiness.

10. Faith
Your faith – should always be your inner happiness.
What you believe in and stand for, will sculpt who you are.
If you live for what you believe in and stand for – you will always be happy.

 I am my own superhero – Erika Chau

Do you have a way of being happy? Do you think the above 10 ways are true?

Share your thoughts – leave a comment.

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #058: 7 Questions To Prompt Your Passion

The cost of not following your heart, is spending the rest of your life wishing you had. – J. Paulsen

Today I wish to remind you to keep your mind fresh full of ‘thinking cap’ questions.

To help spur you on, these questions will be in relation to locking down your passions and reminding yourself of your journey.

Regardless, if you answer these questions or not (you should though), today I challenge you to take action.

Whatever your dream and goal is – work on it today. Whether it is 5 mins, 10 mins, 30 mins or a few hours.

I can only push you so much… you need to push yourself more!

If you’re still in the stage of locking down you passion, then the below questions are perfect for you.

If you’re trying to realign, stay a course and on track, these will help prompt you of why you started! 

Question 1: As a child what were you passionate about?

Question 2: If you didn’t require a job, how would you spend your time?

Question 3: What do you get lost in so deep, that the world seems to stop?

Question 4: What issues/concerns do you keep closest to your heart?

Question 5: How are you interacting with your friends? What conversations do you have?

Question 6: What is on your bucket list?

Question 7: If you could make your dreams come true, what would you make happen?

“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.” – Rosa Luxemburg

Feel free to share these, as I would love to hear what really drives and motivates you!

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #057: The Climb. You Can Do It

Any journey requires persistence, discipline, dedication, hard work and a will to go on.

The hardest climb may take a while, it may push you to your limits, or even require sacrifice.

However the best view comes after the hardest climb.

When you finally get to your goal, the time taken will feel well worth it.

You will have new limits, a new threshold for sacrifice and a result equaling reward.

The point is – even if it is tough now, don’t stop, as the end of the hardest climb might be the just around the corner!

Unfortunately, we are our own worse enemies, our hardest competition and our biggest rivals.

The stereotypical view society expects from us is that we need to prove to society that we are good enough.

Well I believe this is wrong and so should you.

The only person you need to prove or convince is YOU.

Once you believe in yourself, understand your skills, your talents and passions in life, you will conquer.

As the world only portray’s that you need to be at a certain level to make it. But if you are your greatest and you know it, you will change the world.

Because, if you believe that what you have to say or do is worth sharing and good enough for others, then it will be good enough for them to help them grow, change and learn. Which means it is also good enough for the rest of the world. Good enough for the world to help grow, change and learn.

Be confident in you, be confident in what you believe and be confident in sharing your message. – Chris Furlong

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #056: Screw It, Just Do It.

Screw It, Just Do It.

Richard Branson, hasn’t only inspired generations on how we do business and make money, but he has inspired many to go after it; with full gusto.

As you will be aware, Branson is known for his Virgin Airlines empire. But do you know how he began this empire?

I was recently refreshed of his amazing journey and have been reminded, that we need to knock down the walls which are preventing us from our potential.

Branson, knew what he wanted and took it. This should be no different for going after what we truly want too.

The story goes kicks off when Branson and his future wife, Joan, were travelling to Puerto Rico and their flight was cancelled.

It left them and hundreds of other passengers stranded at a small island airport.

Branson, ever the opportunist, picked up the phone and tracked down a chartered plane.

With ease he divided the cost of the plane by the number of seats, and charged the stranded passengers $39 to rebook their seats.

Instantly Virgin Airlines was born.

But what is the point here? The point is to go after what you really want. 

Before I continue, if you haven’t read Branson’s Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons In Life – this is a must READ!

For too long we have been stuck in a world of excuses. For too long, we convince ourselves that the time isn’t right.

STOP! Listening to the these type of excuses. Stop suggesting you will start…

  • After XYZ has occurred
  • When XY is finished and complete
  • When (insert whatever excuse it may be)

The right time to purse your dream(s) is now. It is today.

I love seeing those around me step out of their comfort zones and begin making their dreams happen.

I love seeing the smile, the excitement and the passion they enthuse to show.

You too can be like this – following your dreams and your heart.

To do so – I want to challenge you today. I want to challenge you to take the first step.

Grab a pen (I prefer a permanent marker) and some paper and this is what you are going to do.

  1. Identify 5 (or at least 1) Goals, these can be anything.
  2. Take these 5 Goals and take 4 sheets of paper. Write out 1 to 20.
  3. Now for each Goal, write and list out 20 things you must do in order to complete this goal. Force yourself to write it.
  4. Once you have done this for the 5 Goals. Identify 5 items for each goal that you can action immediately.
  5. Take these 5 items and act on them now. Literally kick off the motions for these goals.
  6. (Optional) If you are not sure how to, write and list out 20 things you need to do to kick-start this item or any item which is the easiest to start.

Start before you’re even ready to begin. The perfect time will never be ready. It’s when you take action, the magic will happen.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. – Elbert Hubbard

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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Day #055: Worry No More

Your one beautiful life is in your hands, and every day you have another opportunity to create the dream life you had always imagined. – Rachel Gadiel

Every person has a story, a journey in which they have traveled to this very moment.

Too many times have I let worry and doubt overcome and overwhelm my life throughout this journey.

I can look back now and see just how silly I have been in doing so. However, I haven’t always been as confident as I am – and I’m still learning to grow in this area.

But when you doubt your ability, your skill and your existence to make a difference, you are diminishing yourself.

Learn to love yourself honorably and humbly and this love will spread. Love yourself enough to teach yourself to stand tall. Teach yourself to stand by who you are and what you believe. When it comes to decision-making time. Be firm in your decision and know what your action is. If you are stuck on worry or in doubt, you are only delimiting your chances or breaking this chain.

It is time to make a stand. Time to take a challenge and choose to defeat this worry and conquer this doubt.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. – Leo Tolstoy

By changing nothing, nothing changes. – Tony Robbins

Take a chance to rise up and defeat worry and doubt will soon enough bring reward.

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. – Robert F. Kennedy 

Challenge yourself daily with small goals, small moments in creating a better you. 

Identify some aspects and elements you can immediately work on and take action!

What will you work on today? How will you worry less?

If you haven’t seen it already, we just released its book list that every dreamer on a journey to greatness should be reading. Click below to see more details!

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